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I'm a high school student and I need help choosing the right courses, can someone please help me?
Okay so i need to choose my courses for grade 11 and this is when I need to start deciding what I really want to do in life. I am very interested in art and technology and I want to be a graphic designer or an industrial designer (I’m very inspired by Jonathan Ive and his ability to create beautiful things)
I’m a little confused with what I need to take. Do I need visual arts? I heard i need to hand in paintings or something for my portfolio..? Is any flutherite a graphic designer or anything related? What’s important to have? Sciences, Math, and tech? Art? Sorry if these are stupid questions it’s just these are important decisions that will affect the rest of my life so I really don’t want to end up choosing something I’ll regret so any help is appreciated. Thank you!
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