Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Have you ever wanted to ask a member about their user name?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37782points) February 9th, 2011

I’ve often wondered about some user names here, but I’ve never gone to the trouble of actually asking the person through a private message why they chose that name.

Have you ever asked a member about their choice of moniker?

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57 Answers

Seelix's avatar

Yup! Well, not directly. It was in one of those “say something nice” threads and I expressed my admiration for Jillthetooth’s name, and she told me what its origins were. :)

zenvelo's avatar

No, but I have been curious.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Everyone’s name makes sense to me until I find out what their real name is, then I want to know why. Apparently mine has everybody curious, because I’ve answered that question a lot! Some wonder if it’s a hit-person moniker, some just think I have funky dentition. I always figured that yours, @hawaii_jake was probably pretty obvious. Dammit, now I want to know about @Seelix !

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yeah! What does Seelix mean? :)

Jude's avatar

Curious as to why you picked Lucille to the power of 3. :)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Hey @Jude-Lucy was a nickname and when I went to type it in,I kept going because I think there was a lucille already ;)
I personally can’t stand long drawn out names,but yet there it is XD

Jude's avatar

Lucy from I Love Lucy?

Buttonstc's avatar

Yes. This happens frequently for me and if I’m curious enough I will send them a pm.

Or sometimes I just wait for the re-emergence of a question asking the collective why they chose their particular SN :)

These pop up fairly frequently from newcomers to the site.

erichw1504's avatar

Sometimes I do. I often just make up my own meaning though.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jude Good things come in threes?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Jude Exactly XD
@Adirondackwannabe True.Just ask The Three Stooges

josie's avatar

I’ve been asked more than once. Never asked anybody else. So what about Hawaii Jake?

TexasDude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe people have told me that the Appalachian Mountains are Rocky Wannabes.

Coloma's avatar

Mmm, some are a curiosity but I have never inquired.
Some are self explanatory and some I assume, like mine, are names of towns where the member lives. Like ^ Hawaii Jake.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’ve been asked on other sites, but not here and never really though about asking others. I have answered why I picked this name in the questions that asked about it here on Fluther a while back.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Yup, it’s come up a few (read: 984287345172435) times. And here I was, thinking that I was being so clear and straightforward. Hmmm.


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard That would make the Adirondacks Appalachian wannabes. There not that big but they’re the best we could do. Everything else is fucked up in NYS, why not the mountains?

JilltheTooth's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities : I’ve never asked you because your username is so marvelous that any explanation would only diminish it.

TexasDude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe, hey, they’re pretty though. Size don’t always count. At least that’s what I tell my Coloradoan friends.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard They are spectacular. I’ll take green over brown anyday.

JilltheTooth's avatar

God, you guys all have such loooooong names! Maybe you really think that size does matter? ;-)

harple's avatar

@JilltheTooth that’s funny!!

@Coloma I had never made that link with your name – I shall have to brush up on my geography!

My main thing, in the few occasions people have found to write my name, is that people think it is spelt with an “i”, rather than an “l”... Harpie is just a little to close to Herpes for my liking! Harple was meant to be a cute way of being a harpist, or something like that!

On this note, has Neffe become Enuf?...

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma There is no such town as Coloma!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jillthe Tooth I should have done my name three times. I’d be a chick magnet.:)

TexasDude's avatar

@JilltheTooth, I can assure you, I’m the last person who needs to be insecure about size ;-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, you guys! <giggles>

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Coloma is in California, been there. Also in Mineral King

ucme's avatar

On the rare occasions that i’ve felt the need, ask is exactly what I do/have done.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My name’s boring. I live in Hawaii and my name’s Jake.

jonsblond's avatar

I want to know why that candy girl is psycho. :P

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have been to Coloma, they have a great A&W stand just off Interstate 80.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I am going to Coloma to do some goose huntin’. Anybody comin’ with me?

flutherother's avatar

I had never been curious until yesterday funnily enough when I asked someone about their name in a PM.

anartist's avatar

@Dutchess_III @Coloma Run Marvin, and Mrs Marvin! Go in the house and hide under the covers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Marvin and Mrs. Marvin! Yes, hide under the covers and put duck poop in the bed so Mom will chase you outside with a broom!!!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I don’t think so, no. I can’t think of any usernames that have made me wonder, but I might now that you’ve brought it up. :)

Coloma's avatar


Then I don’t really exist. tricked you!
Seriously, yes there is, there is Coloma California and I believe Coloma Wisconson or somewhere in the east. I’m in the California Goldrush zone. :-)

Coloma's avatar

No goose hunting, I’ll bury you where they will never find you. lol

Seelix's avatar

“Seelix” is not interesting at all… There’s a minor Battlestar Galactica character named Diana Seelix. I just liked the name :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

That is interesting.

LuckyGuy's avatar

<—Mine was real obvious at the time. Like an old tattoo that says ‘Linda’ – it doesn’t apply any more.

downtide's avatar

I haven’t asked before, but this thread has now got me curious about a few. I believe I’ve talked about my username in a question here somewhere but I can’t find it.

zenvelo's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf in French, your user name would be un oeuf c’est assez…

Seelix's avatar

An egg is enough?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It’s my real name.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I know this is kinda late, but GODDAMMIT @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard THAT IS MY MOTHER.

I have wondered about some. @downtide, for example. @JilltheTooth was so excited to tell me what hers was. It’s very fitting for multiple reasons. Really, as much as she talks on here, she talks way more in real life. ;)

TexasDude's avatar

@KatawaGrey, my flirtation knows not the boundaries of age or familial bonds.

tinyfaery's avatar

@jonsblond Psychocandy is the name of an album and a song by the Jesus & Mary Chain. I used psychocandy as my alternate account before I decided to say goodbye to tinyfaery.

downtide's avatar

@KatawaGrey Downtide was the nickname of one of my ancestors, who died around the time I was born. He was a fisherman and lifeboatman. I drew a picture of him.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@KatawaGrey: For heaven’s sake, let him flirt! It makes me giggle. ;-)

rooeytoo's avatar

Rooey was one of the best dogs I ever adopted. He was a big bouvier. He was going to be put to sleep at age 2 because his owner couldn’t cope with him (he kept him in a crate in the basement about 22 hours a day 7 days a week). I didn’t want another dog at the time but I fostered him in my kennel and fell in love. He had a hideous name and I usually don’t like to change dog’s names but in his case, I couldn’t help myself. Plus if you said to him, What’s your name?? He would put his head back and go rooooooooooooooooooooo so he really named himself.

Shannay_89's avatar

Why dont you ask them ? I mean its not like its private , its just a question. Like me, My username is ’‘Shannay’’ because its my middle name, and ’‘_89’’ is because I couldnt use another symbol and 89 because my lil sister typed those numbers in, so I mean like why not lol

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