Meta Question

jca's avatar

Do you give lurve as a way of saying Thanks?

Asked by jca (36062points) February 9th, 2011

Sometimes when I ask a question I will give lurve to everyone who answers, as a way of saying thanks. Also, sometimes, in the spirit of Fluther, when there’s a “welcome to the mansion” question for another user I will give lurve to spread the lurve around.

Do you give lurve as a way of saying thanks? Do you give lurve to be in the happy party atmosphere?

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17 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, in those situations I’m pretty free with lurve. I’m always so pleased that people take the time to answer my Q that I lurve them, unless their answer is mean or unnecessarily inflammatory. Otherwise, it really does need to be a Great Answer or make me laugh. Which I think is great.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I pretty much do in those situations as well. Always when I ask a question as a way to thank everyone for taking the time to answer my questions and sometimes in the ‘party’ threads. I’m not as diligent in those as I am in my questions though.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I give it very freely. See? Who doesn’t like lurve? Didn’t it brighten your day a little bit?

cookieman's avatar

I do give Lurve as a ‘Thank You’ – but also as a ‘good answer’, ‘good question’, ‘I like your style’ or the digital equivalent of oral sex.

chyna's avatar

@cprevite Any time oral sex is mentioned it gets a GA from me.

cookieman's avatar

@chyna: Did ya feel that “Great Answer”? Did’ja?

chyna's avatar

@cprevite Yes I did!! :-)

filmfann's avatar

@cprevite The digital equivalent of oral sex is a hand job.

I give lurve to say hello, welcome, thanks, that’s funny, that’s interesting, or any mention of Gandhi or Gibran.

bob_'s avatar

No, I write “thanks” as a way of saying thanks.

I give lurve if the answer is good.

Seelix's avatar

I give GAs to everyone who answers my questions (provided they actually answer my questions). I’ll do it in celebration threads too, if I remember. Otherwise, I feel the same way as @JilltheTooth. If you make me laugh or give a really well-thought-out answer, you’re gonna get lurve from me.

jca's avatar

Well, I do and to thank you all I am giving you lurve! Now, isn’t that nice? (and if you want to, you can give me lurve in return….only if you want)

Pattijo's avatar

I always give lurve as long as the question or answer is helpful and not rude or spam .And I always leave a message of thanks to all who answer .

OpryLeigh's avatar

I don’t give lurve as a thank you but I am quite laid back on what I consider a GA so my lurve is spread around quite freely!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m very free with my lurve. But yes, I do tend to give more in those cases.

HungryGuy's avatar

I’ve noticed that most of the times when I answer a question, it almost always earns at least one lurve point. Therefore, it seems that most everyone gives a lurve to everyone who answers their question.

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