Social Question

Jude's avatar

What do you care about (or whom). Name your top three (and only 3)

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 9th, 2011

Family (including my partner)
Child/Elderly/Animal Welfare

What means the most to you in this world?

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12 Answers

Pattijo's avatar

I care about my health , my wonderful sons and my beautiful grandchildren

filmfann's avatar

My family
My country
my friends

TexasDude's avatar

1. The people I love (this includes many, many people, from friends, to family, to girlfriend, to ex girlfriends, to past friends, and so on. Once I love someone, I don’t ever stop).
2. History
3. Books

Joker94's avatar

My family
My friends (including girlfriends, things of that nature)
My health

CaptainHarley's avatar

1. My beloved wife, who loved me when I didn’t think any woman would ever love me again.
2. My grown children, who turned out to be truly good people.
3. My grandchildren, who will turn out to be truly good people.

zenvelo's avatar

1. my children and my girlfriend
2. my friends
3. the environment

ninjacolin's avatar

npo: my people, my dreams, my place

faye's avatar

My family and friends, having enough money to eat until I die, laughter

BarnacleBill's avatar

1. My household, which includes family, pets, garden
2. Learning new things
3 Interactions with people

bkcunningham's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille a little bit married. lol too cute

OpryLeigh's avatar

Animals (especially mine)
My survival

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