Do you mend/repair your clothing?
Do you fix your clothing when it incurs minor damage (lost button, hem comes out, seam rips, small holes)? Do you wear it damaged? Throw/give it away? Pay to have the repairs made? Toss it into a mending pile, and forget about it?
I’ve noticed a few people of late wearing clothes held together with staples or safety pins, and I’m wondering if minor mending is a lost art.
I learned to mend things from my mother. I don’t intend this question to be judgemental. The first time someone told me they were going to throw something away because a seam split, I was completely baffled.
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21 Answers
I fix it.
I did however, recently shrink a wool dress so that it will now fit my cat.
I wish I knew how to fix that.:(
Yes, I do mend my own (and my husband’s) clothing. Seems so wasteful to give it up over a simple repair, that’s just not my style.
I can’t sew, but I can mend. We don’t have the money to toss clothes aside. I’m glad I paid attention when my mother taught me how to fix minor repairs. Sorry I didn’t pay attention when she used her sewing machine.
Bwahaha. If I need a button sewn my wife does it. Most things with holes or small tears I will continue to wear. If something major happens, and the clothing item isn’t something I love or paid a lot for, that item becomes a
cleaning rag. If I really want something fixed I go to my favorite tailor. Her prices are very reasonable.
And anyway, if you buy good quality clothing hems do not come loose and seams do not rip. I prefer to have things that are less likely to become tattered.
This is a great question, @BarnacleBill, as I don’t think people mend/repair enough as a result of consumerism.
I am trying to learn to do this more. “Repurposing” is my knew “throwing it away.”
Yes. Buttons, or if a seam opens up, I mend them. I do it for my husband as well. When I first was dating my husband I one day found him darning his socks. That surprised me. You don’t see that often, even back then it was unusual. I remembering stating, half questioning to him, “you are darning your socks?” And, he didn’t even know the word. This is a man who was driving a BMW at the time, and wearing a Cartier watch. He doesn’t darn socks anymore, but he still has this type of attitude to care for his possesions and repair them when possible, rather than just discarding things.
I repair my clothes. My fiance can replace buttons himself, but other than that, I repair his clothes as well. I even occasionally buy things that have a problem or don’t quite fit the way they are designed and fix them. When I have children, I fully intend to teach them to mend their clothing; it’s a valuable and relatively simple skill.
Yes I repair or fix my clothes. I learned how to become self sufficient and learned to cook, sew, mend, all chores around the house, iron, knit etc… I never have considered those things to be a woman’s job so I learned to do it for myself. In my youth it was either that or get nothing done.
I won’t darn socks or sew tears on the seams in underwear, but I’ll mend other things. Some things I’ll take to my mom because I’m not much with a needle and thread.
A lot of men wear their underwear with all the tears.
@Summum – I know, and it drives me nuts! Every time I do laundry, Mr. Fiance’s socks and underwear are culled. Maybe I should have said that rather than repairing those things, I just throw them away.
ROFL It is a common thing.
Yep. In fact I stitched a hole in a seam of the sweater I am currently wearing.
However, my sewing skills are limited to easy things like a missing button or re-stitching a seam.
Yes I will replace buttons, or make minor repairs to garments.
Otherwise if there is a major problem I will cut them up and give them to my SO to use as a cleaning cloth.
I’ve started to fix my own clothes lately. I bought a new sewing machine a few months ago thinking it would be awesome, I could make my own clothes! But it’s so hard stitching a straight line, so now I only use it for simple corrections, I mean really simple ones…
I do mostly, unless I hate wearing the item. So then it goes to giveaway and I feel a pang of guilt for not fixing it first, but then I would have to wear it again, because now it’s perfectly good again sigh, so hard being green
I do only if a button is needed , otherwise I toss it in a pile and forget it .
Yes, I mend and patch, and such for everyone in my family.
Oh yeah, we patch also. I had forgotten that @YARNLADY.
If I can do it, I’ll fix it. If I can’t, it often goes to the “wear at home” pile.
Sometimes. Buttons, mostly, and pajamas – things that either are foolproof, or that won’t leave the house.
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