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iCeskate's avatar

Hottest celebrity ever?

Asked by iCeskate (451points) April 14th, 2008 from iPhone

Who is your celebrity crush??? I has a crush on the jonas brothers!!! Yet I’m still almost 14

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21 Answers

Breefield's avatar

Sydney Bristow from Alias.
I think her name is Jennifer something in real life, I’m probably wrong though…

iwamoto's avatar

i’d go with elizabeth hurley, classy yet something “naughty”, and that magnificent britsh accent.

nikipedia's avatar

Christian Bale.

Alina1235's avatar

kate backinsale (spelling)

peedub's avatar

Capucine or Patricia Arquette, back in the day. Her teeth are something else.

lovelyy's avatar

jake gyllenhaal. (sp)

Babo's avatar

Orlando Bloom!

GD_Kimble's avatar

Veronica Lake

tupara's avatar

Louise Brooks.

fl0w's avatar

While it’s hard to say without actually ever meeting any of them, if we are going purely by looks, I’d say Angelina Jolie

Alina1235's avatar

and also posh and dave becks.

boffin's avatar

Ah, many years ago…. Teri Garr

judochop's avatar

Who ever the girl was on American Pie that played the French foreign exchange student.


syz's avatar

Hugh Jackman (with long hair)

shineyshark's avatar

Without a doubt – “Angelina Jolie”.

SenatorBailey's avatar

I guess none of these people watched anything made before 1990— the answer is clearly Marilyn Monroe…

LuvToRite's avatar

I say Taylor Launtner

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