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12Oaks's avatar

What is your favorite dessert to make with your kids?

Asked by 12Oaks (4051points) February 10th, 2011

Besides for S’mores, of course. Every Saturday night we all get together and make S’mores and have some great family bonding times over chocolate and graham crackers. I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t do that, but we’re looking for ideas for other times when good family bonding and good treats are in order.

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12 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Chocolate Napoleon.I’ll be right over :)

SamIAm's avatar

Cupcakes!!! Teach the kids how to measure and then let them decorate however they want. Also, you can make some fun things with celery and peanut butter, or vanilla wafers and frosting with licorice to make little “bugs”

I just made the Reduced Guilt brownies from Trader Joe’s last night and they were pretty good considering how healthy they are compared to regular brownies. The kids can decorate them with frosting and sprinkles too.

Dirt cups rock too

jonsblond's avatar

My 7 yr old daughter loves making peanut butter cookies with me. Her favorite part is making the crisscross on the cookies with a fork, then sprinkling sugar on top.

Another favorite is rolling out sugar cookie dough and making neat shapes. Make homemade frosting and let the children put the food coloring in.

Pattijo's avatar

Chocolate chip cookies , there sooo good !

wundayatta's avatar

Let me second chocolate chip cookies. Although, any more, they make them on their own, and we come home from work to find fresh ones on the rack, which would be great, except they don’t like us eating too many. Sigh.

faye's avatar

My kids baked bread with me as well as various desserts. They really got into kneading their bits and shaping them into wild and wonderful things.

Cruiser's avatar

Home made chocolate chip cookies! Warm cookies out of the oven with french vanilla ice cream is our fav! Yum!

Seelix's avatar

I used to love making sugar cookies with my mom, using all different kinds of cookie cutters and sprinkles on top.

gailcalled's avatar

Icebox Cake: we loved both making and eating this when I was a kid. Looks like this.

3 cups heavy cream
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 (9-ounce) packages chocolate wafer cookies [or, make your own!]
Unsweetened cocoa (or chocolate shavings)

In a large bowl, beat cream, sugar and vanilla with an electric mixer on high speed until soft peaks form.

On a flat serving plate, arrange 7 cookies side by side in a circle, keeping 1 cookie in the center.

Spread with ½ cup whipped cream, making a 7-inch circle. Repeat with remaining cookies and cream, making 11 layers of cookies and ending with a layer of cream (there will be a few cookies left over). Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

To serve, dust top lightly with cocoa powder or chocolate shavings.

SamIAm's avatar

@gailcalled: that looks amazing!!!

gailcalled's avatar

You can forget the cocoa or choc. shaving decorations and simply keep it simple.

faye's avatar

@gailcalled That sounds like a new favorite thing to do!

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