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Jude's avatar

Are Canadians the only ones that say "process" like "PROcess"?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 11th, 2011

I get teased for this by my girlfriend.

We also say “PROject”.

Inquiring mukluk wearers want to know.

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32 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

XD Maybe
Do you know anything aboot boots?

Jude's avatar

Lucy, I was oot and aboot in a boot, yesterday. :D

(out and about in a boat)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What aboot Tish-yous ? ? Like Kleenex

Jude's avatar

Oh, stop. lol

We say Kleenex and running shoes (not tennis shoes).

iamthemob's avatar

Don’t the British say it this way too? (well, depending on the dialect).

mrlaconic's avatar

It’s probably more correct then the way we say it process (PRA-CESS).. at least thats the way I say it and everyone I know says it.

partyparty's avatar

Yes we in the UK certainly do say PROcess and PROject etc etc

JilltheTooth's avatar

Ooh, you Canucks are all so odd, eh?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Ohioan here. I say pra-cess. (Not really with an “a” sound, but a short “o”. However, someone from Northern Ohio would say it with the “a” sound.)
However, pra-ject and pro-ject sound like two different words to me. I was working on the pra-ject. The machine pro-jected the image onto the screen.

Plucky's avatar

Aboot time we Canadians get some love, eh? :P

I say PROcess, PROject and so on. Only other people I can think of that say it that way are the UK :)

wilma's avatar

And you probably also say “been” like “bean” too. ;-)
I say “been” like “ben”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Here’s a salute for our neighbors to the north, eh.

Jude's avatar

@wilma I say “ben”, as well.

Actually, no. It is more like “bin”.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I say “been” like “bin.”

wilma's avatar

I say it ben or bin, my Canadian friends say “bean”.
Maybe it’s a regional difference in the Canadian pronunciation then.

They always make fun of the way I talk. :-)

Seelix's avatar

I say “bin”. I’ve heard “bean”, but more often from people nearer my parents’ age (55–65ish). Maybe it’s a generational thing?

I’ve always said project with a short o, but process with a long one. (shrug)

partyparty's avatar

And you probably also say “been” like “bean” too

Yes that is how I pronounce it… surely that is correct LOLL

aprilsimnel's avatar

I have a preppy friend whose family is from Massachusetts (Philips Exeter, Class of ‘69, holla!), and he says “PRO-cess” and “BEAN” and “agAYn”.

I say “PRAH-cess”, BEN” and “uhGEHN”

tranquilsea's avatar

I say PROcess, PROject and so on.

I also say “bean” for been. You say “bee” for bee, right? So why wouldn’t you say “bean” for been? As in see, fee, glee, tree, been.

Same with again, in my world it’s not “agen” as there is an “ai” which you see in words like: rain, pain and plain therefore it is pronounced “agayn”

downtide's avatar

We say it the same way in the UK too.

Plucky's avatar

I say “bean” for “been” never really thought about it before.

bkcunningham's avatar

My husband is a New Yorker and sounds like a Canadian. Sometimes when he speaks, he sounds like he’s from North Dakota, to me at least.

Shannay_89's avatar

It depends on the person. Not where they come from.

markferg's avatar

I gave up caring about pronunciation when I realised that the UK pronunciation of schedule (shedule) had be almost completely superseded by the US ‘skedule’. Ho hum!

Prosb's avatar

<—From New York (Long Island) Most here say ahgen-again, bin-been, Prahcess-Process, and Prahject-Project.

Process should be PROcess, that’s the way it’s spelled.
Same goes for again, it should be a-gain.

I feel Prahject (Project) works better for something you’re working on, only to better space it from its verb usage (PROject).

Been is different because you can’t win. Bean is an object, and so is a bin. You could say ben instead, since that’s a proper noun ”>.<

@markferg I always wondered about that. When I used to play the “Fable” series of games, I knew the designers were from the UK, and if that as the reason why npcs would say “Shedule” Instead of “Skedule”.

Harold's avatar

In Australia we use the long O sound. I do my best to resist and re-educate those who have succumbed to the creeping American influence in our pronunciations.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Harold American English is actually closer to the original English dialect than the dialect that is prevalent in the UK and Australia.

Harold's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf – I don’t believe that, but even if it is, it is not what we do here. We don’t want to be American clones. We want to retain our national identity.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Harold – Dude, chill. Look up The Great Vowel Shift, which happened in the Southern UK from 1450–1750. Americans couldn’t care less how you talk, and neither do the media producers. They sell American media abroad to make money, not cackle their hands with glee over world domination. No one wants the English to start talking like us. Believe me. Every English guy of my acquaintance gets more women cooing at them here in the US because of their accents. It’s like that guy who goes to Wisconsin in Love, Actually.

Harold's avatar

@aprilsimnel – That is not the point. I know Americans don’t care how we talk, and vice versa. The point is that we are gradually adopting Americanisms- which are not wrong in themselves, it is just diluting our uniqueness. I don’t want to hear tomato sauce called ketchup, or have halloween celebrated in my street, etc, etc. I am happy for you to keep them, and I’m not suggesting they are being forced on us. It just disappoints me to see it happening.

tranquilsea's avatar

@Harold Sadly, there is nothing you can do about these kinds of shifts in language. Young people’s proclivity to infuse their language with “like”, which drives me around the bend and back again, seems like it is becoming entrenched. It used to be that kids grew out of it once they hit adulthood but they seem to be keeping it with them now. Like isn’t that great?

aprilsimnel's avatar

@tranquilsea – You just reminded me of Hell’s Grannies sketch by Monty Python (1969). In it, there’s a voice-over by one of the delinquent old ladies (played by Terry Jones) where “she’s” asked why she’s carrying on like a teen-aged delinquent, and she says, “It’s like, you know! Well. Innit? Eh?”

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