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Jude's avatar

"I'm a sucker for ___ hair and ___ eyes". How would you fill in the blanks?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 11th, 2011

Just curious.

For me, dark brown hair/hazel eyes.

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75 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

Blond hair/brown eyes.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Blond hair/blue eyes on men.
Dark hair/dark eyes on women.

wilma's avatar

White hair and blue eyes on men.

Seelix's avatar

Dark hair and green eyes.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Very light/Dreadlocked.

glenjamin's avatar

@Jude I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes lol

Brown hair, brown eyes. My wife would kill me if I said otherwise ;)

KatawaGrey's avatar

Soft, short hair and twinkling eyes. :)

Kardamom's avatar

Most of the time it’s brown hair and brown eyes.

But in the case of Alan Rickman, it doesn’t matter!

In Sense and Sensibility he’s blonde with hazel eyes like this, in Harry Potter he’s got black hair and dark eyes like this. But he’s still gorgeous no matter what!

Coloma's avatar

Hair ( period. ) ;-)
Hard to find hair in 40–50 something men ) and KIND, honest eyes that can sustain eye contact.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Dark brown hair and blue eyes

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Dark hair,blue eyes.

Jude's avatar

Pretty hazel eyes.

wundayatta's avatar

Red hair and green eyes transfix me.

Blond hair and brown/green eyes leave me gulping like a school boy.

tedibear's avatar

Dark hair and blue eyes. Or dark hair and green eyes.

faye's avatar

I used to say dark hair and brown eyes, but dark hair and green/blue eyes are a close second. Now, if the man was nice, he doesn’t even have to have eyes!

tedd's avatar

Red hair….... never had a preference for eyes and have found eyes of way different colors to be beautiful.

Aster's avatar

Scant hair, blue eyes.

iamthemob's avatar

Red/Green. But that maybe because that’s what I see in the mirror…


Jude's avatar

i’m curious as to what y’all have. I know what some of you look like, but, I’ll take a guess with the other.

Wilma – brown hair/eyes. Or, red hair/green eyes.

Karadamom – Brown hair/blue eyes. Or brown hair/green eyes

Wunday – brown hair and brown eyes

Tedi – brown and brown or brown and red hair

Aster – brown hair and brown eyes

How’d I do?

—I have dark brown and blue.

jonsblond's avatar

Dark hair/bedroom eyes. ;)

@jude blond/green for me, but you knew that

wundayatta's avatar

@Jude you got the hair right.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Red hair. Green eyes.

DominicX's avatar

Brown hair/blue eyes.

I’ve never had that strong of a preference, but that’s a combination that I really like :)

erichw1504's avatar

Red hair, green/hazel eyes.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have gray hair and blue eyes. Wait, you probably knew that. My man has brown hair and amazing green eyes.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m a sucker for FACIAL hair and BEDROOM eyes.

wilma's avatar

@Jude I have blue eyes and I did have brown hair.

LuckyGuy's avatar


Nullo's avatar

I like pretty much any of the combinations. More specifically, dark hair with light or dark eyes, light hair with light eyes, for color balance.

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VS's avatar

dark hair/green eyes

Jude's avatar

So far, Faye’s answer is my favorite.

janbb's avatar

Gray hair and kind, witty, intelligent eyes

chyna's avatar

Dark hair, blue eyes. Green eyes come in a close second.

lloydbird's avatar

Present hair/ Dual eyes. ( If poss.)

TexasDude's avatar

Black hair, green or blue eyes.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Dark hair/light eyes… [Wonder Woman was my first crush and apparently, that was quite formative]

Red hair/light eyes.

absalom's avatar

a) black; green

b) blonde; brown

My own colors are brown and blue. (Yawn.)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Red hair is instant WIN

Eyes I am not as particular about but I find gray eyes to be extraordinarily beautiful. Blue eyes are really nice too.

I haz me some hazel eyes :P

Cruiser's avatar

Black Hair and Brown eyes!

downtide's avatar

red hair and green eyes

kenmc's avatar

red hair/blue eyes.

tedibear's avatar

@Jude – Close. Red hair, though not my natural color and blue eyes. Natural hair color is mousy ashy blondish brownish with some red bits here and there.

KhiaKarma's avatar

Healthy hair and smiling eyes…. :)

Axemusica's avatar

Dark hair and big eyes.

Hahaaa, you thought I was going to say a color didn’t you? :P Fact of the matter is that color is really irrelevant. The size and the luminosity of the eyes are what matters to me. If they’re wonderfully bright and you can see much joy in them is a wonderful feeling.

Yes, I’ve often fell in love with people I’ve never met due to them having just wonderful eyes.

TexasDude's avatar

@Axemusica, you must absolutely adore Zoey Deschanel then…

Jude's avatar

Fiddle, what color are yours? They look light brown to me.

Axemusica's avatar

I do @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I love her so. Not only for her eye’s but her voice too. She rings my bell. :)

Facade's avatar

Gorgeous and gorgeous. Color doesn’t matter as long as it looks good; I don’t really have preferences.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Sounds like @Seelix lurves Harry Potter!!

(Another vote for dark hair and blue eyes.)

TexasDude's avatar

@Axemusica, I’m kind of in love with her too.

Brian1946's avatar

…lots of body hair and 3 eyes. :-0

However, if my choice is restricted to beings of this planet, then I’m a sucker for her.

Aesthetically speaking, I like black hair and emerald eyes.

chyna's avatar

Eye candy
Makes me reconsider eye color preference.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@Axemusica, @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard You really prefer her as a brunette? I thought she rocked the blonde in Elf :)

TexasDude's avatar

@sliceswiththings, she did look smokin’ in Elf. I prefer brunettes in general, though.

syzygy2600's avatar

Blond hair and blue eyes

red hair and green eyes are a close second

KatawaGrey's avatar

Only three people here like blonde hair? I guess I’m just SOL…

Coloma's avatar

Oh, how could I forget!
I’m the biggest sucker for crystal blue eyes, as in, Siamese cats and Chinese Geese. :-)

Jude's avatar

I’m a lucky girl. My girlfriend has auburn hair and little green eyes. Also, a favorite.

DrBill's avatar

Red Hair Green eyes
Black Hair Blue eyes

OpryLeigh's avatar

Dark hair and dark or green eyes.

augustlan's avatar

I truly have no preference. I’m an equal opportunity kind of girl. :)

I’m a redhead, with light brown (almost yellowish) eyes.

Axemusica's avatar

@sliceswiththings I do prefer the brunette. Although I did like the blond, she’s much better (IMO) as a brunette. :)

Jude's avatar

Blondes with green eyes. Gorgeous.

lonelydragon's avatar

Dark hair, brown eyes.

chyna's avatar

@Jude How about blondes with brown eyes? ::bats eyelashes::

Jude's avatar

^^One of my favorites.

janbb's avatar

I’m a sucker for his hair and eyes.

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