Does any one out there really enjoy cleaning the house?
Some people’s houses are always so spotlessly clean, always, even if you drop by unexpectedly, you have to think they must enjoy cleaning!
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30 Answers
I’ve heard of such people, I’d like to invite one to my messy home and give let him/her have hours of pleasure because I live to please others.
I enjoy a clean house over a messy one and love the spare change I find when cleaning!
I have heard tales of people who enjoy cleaning and find it relaxing… they’re the ones who sent their kids to my house to play.
I don’t hate it. I mean, you either clean it yourself, or hire someone to, and I NEVER hire someone to do anything I could do myself. So, I like cleaning more than I like wasting my money, for sure.
I can’t stand to clean house , though I’m a happy camper when I get finished .
No way. I hate it! I have to drag myself to do basic stuff like wash dishes and do laundry. If I lived by myself, my place would look like something from Hoarders.
I love a clean house too. I just hate getting it that way! We’ve had our house on the market since August. Doing Open Houses every other weekend. Sheesh. But it sho’ looks nice! After the first few weeks, about the sixth weekend in, as we were leaving to leave the house for yet another three hours on Sunday, for the realtor to show, my husband said, “It looks so nice!”
I said, “Not bad for a lick and a promise.”
He said, “Lick and a promise???” (We had worked for three hours.)
I said, “Yeah. That was a lick and a promise.”
He says, “What do you call cleaning then?!”
I said, “You’ll know it when you see it.”
Well, we’ve had a few weekends off due to the holidays and stuff, but have an open house tomorrow. So I’m gettin’ after it. Rick walks through the kitchen and I’m on my hands and knees scrubbing the dirt from under the baseboards with a toothbrush.
A little later he walks through again, and I’m attacking the stove with a toothpick. He says, “Ok. I got it now!”
SO many other things I’d rather be doing!
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GA, all!!
@itsmmeee and it’s even worse when you’re not in the mood to do it, but you have to do it anyway.
Who is youuuuuuu anyway?
I love to get company cause then I go through like a crazy woman and everything looks good. I just can’t keep it that way for long.
@faye – I invite people over now and again just so I can get my husband to help with the cleaning. I say We have to get it done, we have company coming!!! It usually works.
I hate cleaning, the only domestic chore I mildly enjoy is doing the wash.
:: raises hand ::
I admit it, I love housecleaning.
I find it very therapeutic. I love my Roomba and my Swiffer (dry and wet jet). I love my duster and my clear Windex with ammonia.
And yes, I’m one of those houses you can almost always drop by and it’ll be spotless.
I say “almost” because my wife is a major slob, so it’s a bit of an uphill battle.
But yeah, I am one of those people.
Please come visit me. Please please please…
I don’t love it, but I do enjoy it. I find it cathartic, for lack of a better word. I don’t know, I find something very relaxing about cleaning. Plus, I always feel so much better when it is done and everything is tidy.
Not me. While I like it when things are neat and organized, I do not need them to be spotless. Unless company’s coming.
My SIL on the other hand, loves to clean. A few years ago I asked my BIL what to get her for her birthday. I asked about favorite authors, favorite movies or TV shows (was thinking DVD’s on that one) or hobbies. He told me that she only reads the newspaper, she thinks it’s odd to watch a movie more than once, she doesn’t watch re-runs and her hobby is cleaning the house. In my head, all I could think was, “What the hell?” He wasn’t kidding. I bought her a Macy’s gift card and she was happy. She likes to shop, but it’s not her hobby.
Oh I leave that business to my cleaning operative. Lovely lady, very dependable. Dusty Tops is her name, a dwarf hailing from Nebraska I believe.
oooooo I love it, love it, love it!! I have to be in the mood though, and when I am, I throw myself into as much as I can manage of it and pay later with extreme amounts of pain for a few days. House looks good though lol huggles honeys xx
ps: its not what it’s cracked up to be this getting old stuff….. where do I go to complain?
I enjoy it simply because of the couple hours it gives me to quietly reflect on my day… and then the joy of being surrounded by simple order and beauty.
Hm. Maybe I could LEARN to like it…..?
Sorta, it gives me something active to do and it distracts me from all my problems… So yeah, I like cleaning the house.
Nope, not me. I love clean but not getting there. If I could then I have someone else come by weekly to wash the floors, windows and scrub bathrooms. Oh yeah, I’d have them do poop patrol too.
People who like to clean…do you clean all the time, a little here and a little there? I do, to a certain extent, but I do the big stuff, like mopping and polishing furniture, about twice a month….so, do you dust and vacuum every day?
@Dutchess_III I clean every day. My daily routine consists of tidying, mostly. Putting things back where they belong, doing the dishes, wiping down my counters and appliances.
I dust and vacuum probably 4 times a week. Not daily, but I’d guess every other day at least. Sometimes daily in the winter.
I do other stuff like washing my curtains, my decorative pillowcases for the sofa, throws, putting knick knacks and decorations in the dishwasher, washing light fixtures and wiping down my walls – probably twice a month. I’m guessing every other week.
I wash my interior windows and the windows on my french doors every 6 weeks or so.
Laundry, however, I always manage to put off until it is attempting to take on a life of its own.
@Dutchess_III: I also clean every day. I have a system:
Daily: straighten up, put things where they belong, clean the kitchen, take out trash
Every Other Day: vacuum, mop floors, laundry (clothing), dust, windex surfaces
Every Sunday: change sheets, laundry (towels, sheets), scrub bathrooms, windex glass
Daily & Every Other Day: The minute I get home from work I get right to work for about an hour. If I sit down (after working 10–12 hours), I’ll never get back up – so I do it immediately. I’ll occasionally do some more after my wife and daughter go to bed (from 9PM to 10PM).
Every Sunday: As soon as I wake up I get right to cleaning for about 2 to 4 hours. Ten I can enjoy my one day off.
Hmmmm…always wanted to see Utah.
Changed my mind…don’t want to live in Utah! I want a divorce now, guys…..and girls….
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