What does your Facebook status say and is it truthful?
Are you truthful with your Facebook status? If you posted that you are single are you really single? And if you hope to be attached to someone but they don’t hardly know you are alive do you have it’s complicated because you don’t want to say you do not have anyone truly?
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27 Answers
“I agree with (insert best friends name), not inspired by Lady Gaga’s latest offering” I think that’s the wording and yes, it’s true.
“Wow, it is snowing like crazy.”
It isn’t true at this moment, but it was true 21 hours ago when I posted it. Exciting, right?
My latest facebook status update was a link to a piece of artwork I created. If you are referring specifically to relationship status, then yes, mine is always truthful, since I am actually married.
“Egyptians: Organized a lasting peaceful protest. Got through. Are cleaning up after themselves. I’ve nothing but admiration.”
Very much so.
Why would I post a facebook status if it wasn’t truthful? My facebook status is for my friends to see on facebook, not for you so I am not going to tell you.
Mine is about my garbage cans. No need to lie about that.
If my status is something about me, yes it is truthful. A lot of the time it is just something randomly funny, or a question.
mine is pictures from Friday night to share with the participants of an evening with friends…all true.
My Facebook status says, “This is a lie!”. And now the Universe will implode.
Yes, mine is true, all of it. What would be the point of lying?
It sounds like the OP is asking about relationship status and not status.
Of course it’s truthful. No need to lie on something as unimportant and silly as Facebook.
Warning. Do NOT google image search “fat cake”. No “s” on the end of cake. Just “fat cake”. Don’t make me say I told you so. :P (A few of us had fun with this one.)
Relationship status: married (No need to lie about that. Everyone we know knows we’ve been married almost 19 years.)
Oh, in that case, it says married to (Mr. Neffie), and that is absolutely true.
“Wine sounds good”
Always true
relationship status: mine says single. I am single. 1. Why would I lie about that? 2. If I did lie about that, all of my FB friends would know I was lying, and I’d be an idiot.
I posted this link, but the page has changed a bit since I did. Still good, but my favorite is on the following page.
‘deleting people is fun’
its true.
All the stuff on my Facebook page is truthful. My relationship status is “married” which I am. The last status update I posted was several days ago about our move out inspection being only a month away and having a lot to do by then.
My status says “Water Temple. :/” and it was truthful when I posted it. I was stuck in that hellhole for 4 hours yesterday.
My relatioship status is single because I am. Why would you want people to think you’re in a relationship if you’re not? Wouldn’t that just discourage anyone who had feelings for you?
My current status is about loading music onto iTunes, and mapping each track. Nothing untruthful there. I don’t display much in the way of personal information. My profile isn’t searchable, and most of my friends are co-workers—past and present— or high school friends, or family. They generally find me through other people’s friends lists.
People who lie on Facebook, lie in real life, too.
“Email me. I check in once or twice a year.”
My current status reads “I’ve never been so happy to hear the phrase Welcome to New Jersey.” I posted it on Friday when I landed at Newark after a three-week business trip. I was almost home by then.
My facebook status is very true , why lie , my family and friends already know everything anyway
The town of Douglas, MA does in fact still owe me a new tire. I’ll be bringing it up to them this week.
I don’t remember but whatever it is, it’s the truth. If my fiancee still used his fb acct. then my status would say, Blah Blah is engage to Blah Blah.
nursing a sick kitty.
Yep. True.
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