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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Can you help me to remember the name of this movie?

Asked by ANef_is_Enuf (26839points) February 13th, 2011

I watched a movie sometime in the last year, and I remember thinking that it was very cute – but I can not remember the name of it for the life of me.
It was a chick-flick, I don’t know if it is considered a romance or a romantic comedy, I’m not good with that sort of thing.
The storyline is that there is a young man that works at a movie rental place, and a young woman comes in and rents pornography. He becomes fascinated by her and starts following her, and ultimately begins talking to her – only to find that she is mentally ill, and spends most of her time hiding in her apartment. He uses her movie rentals as a spring board to open up a dialog, and slowly manages to get her to open up to him.
There is also some backstory woven in where the girl is financially dependent on her very wealthy father, but he turns out to be an abusive man who wields his money to control her. At the end of the movie she ends up cutting him out of her life.

That’s all that I can remember offhand. It’s a relatively new movie, but I don’t think it was particularly well known.

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10 Answers

soccerchick87's avatar

Who starred in it? Was it in theaters? Names of the characters can also help…you can google them.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@soccerchick87 I can’t remember. No one particularly well known. I have no idea if it was in theaters, but I don’t think it would have been wide-spread if it was. In fact, I would guess it was an independent film.

Dog's avatar

I think this might be the one you are looking for.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

OH! Haha. I forgot it had such an interesting title. That’s it! Thank you! :)

Dog's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I laughed at the title. Looks like an interesting movie. I put it on my watch list. :)

Ladymia69's avatar

It’s Good Dick! I LOVE that movie! Nef, I am loving you more and more!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@ladymia69 you have good taste. Officially.

Neurotic_David's avatar

I watch “Good Dick” this afternoon. It was interesting. It’s a good independent film, I thought, and parts of it were just downright hot. (A few scenes were super annoying to me because the writing was weak.) Thanks for recommendation – would never have known about or watched this movie, otherwise.

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