General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

How does Egypt vote?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) February 13th, 2011

What kind of ballot does Egypt vote on?
Do they have electronic voting machines?
Will the same method be used during the upcoming election as past elections?

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5 Answers

cazzie's avatar

I can’t tell if they’re electronic polling booths. I doubt it. We don’t use them here in Norway, either. Not reliable.

zenvelo's avatar

Up until last week, they voted however Mubarak told them to.

I imagine they will vote as in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other countries- paper ballots, and your thumb gets inked to show that you have voted prevents double voting.

The eventual election will be high visibility given the world’s focus. To make sure it is considered legitimate, they will have to take steps to keep it secure.

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meiosis's avatar

Voting machines are a terrible idea. Just take the time to count the votes by hand, it’s really not hard.

mattbrowne's avatar

The process will be defined over the next few weeks. Elections will be held within the next 6 months. Egypt will create a new constitution. I’m optimistic that Egypt will accept help from Europe to set up the logistics around these first free elections.

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