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Dutchess_III's avatar

Can you/do you make decisions quickly?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) February 13th, 2011

I do, and can. But my husband…OMG!!!! He makes me crazy! We got some extra money decided to buy a flat screen TV, which he’s been wanting for forEVER. Because of where we’re going to put it, we couldn’t have more than 28 inches. I walk up to the TV’s, quickly realize our only option is a 26 inch, look at all the 26 inch TV’s and said, “That one.”
Well, true to form my husband looked and looked and looked and looked and looked even at ones that wouldn’t work for us. Then he looked some more. About 45 minutes later he picked out the one I’d decided on in 10 seconds.

Same thing at the grocery store. He has to push the cart for some reason, so I end up going all over the store getting the stuff we need and bringing it back to the cart. I’ll make about 5 trips and be done…and he’s still in the first aisle!!! (And yes, I should get my own cart, but I don’t mind the walking. I don’t get enough exercise any more. I’m so out of shape I almost couldn’t push that guy’s truck up the icy incline at McDonalds the other day to get him going!)

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13 Answers

iamthemob's avatar

Sure – although at times I feel like I might be making the decision hastily.

Now, did you just look at the tvs, or at all the specifications? Did you understand all of the functions? Did you know whether or not there were hookups that would work with both your current recording/cable devices as well as new ones? Did you want to hook up your computer to it as well? etc., etc….

His looking at things you couldn’t get may likely have been a waste of time – but often larger and more expensive electronics can do things that we may want to see if the smaller versions can do.

So realize that sometimes you want someone there who is stopping you from making hasty decisions.

chyna's avatar

^^Oh sure, take up for the guy.

iamthemob's avatar

^^Only if you are certain that I work in a heterosexist mindset.

Coloma's avatar

Haha….classic, always seems to be one person that’s a quick draw and the other that treats their decision making like they are choosing between the gallows and a firing squad. lol

My ex husband was the researcher from hell, he could spend weeks researching electric razors. lol

I have always made decisions easily and spontaneously and that works for me. It is rare I regret anything I do or purchase.

Everyone alternates playing the Tortoise and the Hare in their relationship dynamics.

In my case I referred to my ex and and myself as ‘The racehorse and the donkey.’
Obviously, he was the ass. lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

When I decided what’s right in a situation, I make decisions within a millisecond. I often find I operate faster than other people re: emotional issues, concerns – I just don’t need to stick around to have them ‘get there’, it takes forever.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes and No. It all depends on what the decision is about. I can get horribly ocd or just pull the trigger.

Mariah's avatar

No, I am pretty slow and calculating. But I think this makes the end result of my decision making quite good most of the time.

I had a lab partner at school who was an absolute speed demon, which was nice since we had a strict time limit, but I had to slow him down at times to nitpick. But if I had been calling the shots we wouldn’t have finished in time. Together, we struck a good balance! Think that to yourself the next time your husband is driving you nuts ;)

Cruiser's avatar

I think things through. It might piss people off but I want to be sure I am making the right decision. Doing so makes me feel good about the really important ones! Pays off in the long run! ;)

filmfann's avatar

I dwell on it, and let it hatch on its own.

Bellatrix's avatar

On most occasions I can and I do. My husband, like yours, has to think about everything for a long time. He will tell me all about the thing he is thinking of buying in great detail and why he should or should not buy it. A week later or a month later or even months later, he is still talking about it. Sometimes I want to yell, just decide for beeps sake!

ucme's avatar

Ye….absolu…..mayb…..oh I dunno.

mattbrowne's avatar

I can. So like you I prefer

while my wife is more like your husband. Show him this video

Schwartz also wrote a great book about the topic.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I rarely make decisions that I regret too, @Coloma. My husband and I almost always come to the same decision. He just takes longer!
On the other hand (and this is interesting) when we’re working on a construction project, I’ll spend a lot of time imagining the process in my head. I find that I anticipate road blocks or unusual circumstances before we even get started. Rick, on the other hand, just starts building without thinking beyond the next step….when he runs into a problem, I already have the solution.

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