@mynewboobs: @jerv Or, we could not label people as lazy, selfish, petty douchebags, but rather as complex characters who sometimes act in lazy, selfish, petty, and/or douchebaggy ways. But to simply say that x% of the population is just shit, and the rest are good seems dualistic and overly simplistic.
Electra: The thing with teachers is that we grade. It is up to the psych department of the student clinic to decide what is the matter with these complex people who cannot manage to pass their courses. But the bottom line is that no student gets graded on what sort of complex person he believes that he is—he gets graded on his work.
Pretending you deserve a certain grade because “you’re a complex person who only acts like a douchebag in class” and whine until you get it from a greedy and so overindulgent system is worse than simplistic—it’s infantile behavior that shouldn’t be rewarded by giving the said student what she wants.
mynewboobs: I’m sure that things are different at colleges where the vast majority of students have their parents paying for their tuition. However, as tuition prices rise, more and more students have to take out loans and are going into debt in order to get an education – it seems like it out be only the students at Ivy League schools, and not the standard public state schools where this stereotypical entitled behavior goes on.
Electra: Actually, my years and years of good teaching experiences come from teaching at a university that has many academic programs that rank with Ivy League colleges. This university SCREENS its students before they’re admitted—these schools don’t just take anyone. THe problem is with small colleges with low rankings and low expectations who only want the business from as many students as they can get enrolled—and federal loan and grant money is still money. The better ranking institutions are funded so that they don’t rely so much on student fees—and that’s why the problems that happen in the low ranking community colleges don’t appear to nearly such a degree in the institutions with a much higher academic ranking.
MyNewBoobs: And if the world is filled with lazy, selfish, petty douchebags, then they can’t all just be students, but teachers as well.
Electra: What’s lazy is to just give students grades because they tell you they’re good people who are only lazy douchebags in academic settings—that way you don’t have to hear the lazy, worthless people whine and complain and the said people usually give you quid pro quo: the people I mention give EXCELLENT ratings to those lazy, mediocre, incompetent teachers who only want a job and have no professional honor that would stop them from merrily handing out grades to the undeserving.
But hey, you wouldn’t call one of these lazy, characterless professors a douchebag, psychotic, scary, whatever, because such a professor would be all too happy to give you the grade you want and such a professor wouldn’t expect you to do any work at all to pass the class. :)