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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

For a cell phone, do you prefer Droid or Apple OS?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) February 15th, 2011


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25 Answers

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Droid. I have such a hard time with Apple, I find it the opposite of the touted intuitiveness.

Blackberry's avatar

Droid, but this is just a preference. That is like asking blonde or brunette.

Edit: My reason: It seems more personalizable…...Is that a word?

Soubresaut's avatar

Can I answer with a third? I like WinMo.
It’s so easy to use
So I guess I like black or red hair, whatever Windows Phones would be

c's avatar

@DancingMind Same here, or Droid.

mrentropy's avatar

I just got my first “smartphone” which is an Android phone (Samsung Vibrant) and I have to charge it twice a day. I’ve heard heard that iPhone people’s don’t have to charge theirs quite that often. So, my next phone will probably be either a Windows Mobile or, maybe, and iPhone.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@mrentropy iPhone 3 didn’t have to charge as much because it didn’t have multitasking. Now that the iPhone 4 does, it needs to be charged frequently as well.

rawrgrr's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs “it needs to be charged frequently as well”
Who told you that? It actually needs to be charged less. The battery is improved by 40% and uses a new A4 chip that is good with power management with makes the battery last even longer.

Also multitasking on an iPhone isn’t traditional multitasking. Instead of actually running in the background (which affects performance and battery life) the apps are actually frozen in the background to prevent these typical problems found on other smartphones. Once the user resumes an app it appears exactly how it was left before leaving it.

The battery on it is actually one of the best I’ve ever used.

jerv's avatar

I prefer Android.

1) Choice of hardware – Some people like QWERTY keyboards while some (myself included) prefer touchscreens. Some like tiny phones while some people prefer (or, like me, need!) bigger ones.

2) Open ecosystem – Developers don’t need to suck Steve Job’s (or anyone else’s) dick to get an app approved for the Android Market. Hell, you don’t even have to stick with just the Android Market though I personally do since they screen their stuff; I’m not sure about all third-party markets.

3) Competition – When you have a monopoly on the hardware and utter control over the software, there is no reason to do better than you already have done, and you can jack up prices as high as you want. Apple has profit margins that are considerably wider than the industry average and if Android hadn’t come along, I doubt they would’ve made even half of the improvements they have.
How it pertains to my choice is simple. When you have competition, you have companies trying to offer the features you want at a price you are willing to pay. I like the features I like, and they are not always the ones that some guy in a turtleneck tells me I want. I also like paying less.

4) Hardware access – I can swap batteries, or replace a pack that has worn out. I don’t have to pay some self-proclaimed “Genius” obscene amounts of money to do simple tasks like that. That alone is worth quite a bit to me.

5) Security – Whenever you go to install an app in Android, it lists permissions that may warn you of undesired app behavior; you can’t sneak a Trojan app though the way you can with iTunes. iOS doesn’t do that, so you have no idea what your apps really do, and must rely on Apple to weed out all of the malware. While it’s a little bit of a hassle to actually read about what you are installing rather than blindly hitting “Okay”, I have too many trust issues to not have that information.

6) Apps – Given the difference in culture between the two platforms and a few other factors, it is easier for me to find apps I like on my Droid X than it was on my old iPod Touch. Also, those apps are more likely to be free. People who develop for iOS often do so for money while those who code for Android (or any other variant of Linux) usually do it for love of good software.

7) Interface – I like customization. I like desktop widgets. I like an actual file structure. I like the ability to drag-and-drop files to/from my phone like it was a thumb drive and be able to open one file in every app capable of parsing the format; no more keeping three copies of every PDF like I had to with iOS 4.
Those who think Android has too many controls/options should try driving a car that has no steering wheel or pedals. Sometimes having “extra” controls is a good thing even if they initially cause a little confusion.

8) I can type on an Android! – Okay, that’s mostly because the Droid X has a larger screen than an iPhone, but that returns us to point #1.


@mrentropy I would check what sort of stuff you have going on. Depending on what I do with my Droid X, my battery life ranges between nine hours and two days. Turning off the GPS prolongs batteries quite a bit while turning on the wifi or actively using 3G (something that may happen in the background with the screen blanked) drains it fairly quickly. There is a reason I don’t use the tTorrent app very often ;)

mrentropy's avatar

@rawrgrr So…. it doesn’t multitask? The point of multitasking is that other apps are still doing their thing in the background while you’re doing whatever it is in the foreground.

@jerv I agree with your points up there. I have to add that I really like the Swype keyboard. I thought it would be hard to get used to, but I use it as often as I’m permitted. As for my battery, I have my screen dimmed all the way, GPS is turned off unless I need it, Wi-Fi is off unless it will do me some good (usually when it’s plugged in), and I check to make sure no apps are running in the background if they don’t need to be. I think what I’m encountering is a poor coverage area and the phone is constantly trying to find a signal. When I get back home I may find it’s a bit better. But when I’m home, I don’t have as much a need to be out and about without plugging in frequently.

jerv's avatar

@mrentropy I keep my GPS on, wifi off, and have the Adao Task Manager kill apps for me since I sometimes don’t have time to quit properly. However, I also spend most of my day in places with 3–4 bars, and based on my experience with my old Motorola c261, I can say that your guess about the signal is at least part of the truth.
Oh, and thank you for pointing that out about multi-tasking. I was thinking the same thing, but didn’t mention it as some people consider that form of pseudo-multi-tasking to be better in much the same way that some people prefer hyper-threaded dual-core CPUs over a non-HT quad-core.

mrentropy's avatar

@jerv I’m not even sure how it can be called ‘pseudo-multitasking’ when it’s not multitasking at all. It also reminds me of Apple’s first attempt at multitasking in MacOS. But I’m betting on the signal strength being the primary culprit, despite the phone telling me the display is eating up all the juice. I remember having the same problem with a different phone visiting my in-laws where there was no cell reception at all.

According to the Vibrant documentation, GPS sucks up a lot of electricity. Also, I don’t want the guv’ment knowing where I’m at all the time.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@rawrgrr Several iPhone 4 users, Engadget, and Gizmodo. And it does have actual multi-tasking so that you can play music and play a game.

jerv's avatar

I suspect that part of the reason the iPhone has decent battery life is the weak transmitter that leads to not getting reception in places where others are pulling in 2 bars.

rawrgrr's avatar

BTW I’m not saying the iPhone’s version of “multitasking” is better than other devices, just that it has some unique advantages that people might not know about. Yes there are times where I would really love to load a webpage in the background while I text but I also love my battery, and most people won’t notice a difference from regular multitasking (not everyone!). It depends on what you need, and it does suit my needs.

rawrgrr's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs that kind of multitasking has been in the iPhone since day one but I wouldn’t actually call it multitasking even though technically that’s what it is. When I hear the word “multitasking” I usually think of 3rd party apps running simultaneously, similar to what you find on your computer.

But there are some exceptions, for example uploading a picture to a social network (you wouldn’t have to stare at the progress bar while it’s uploading) updating apps, and pretty much stuff involving progress bars ( hope that was clear) all that stuff can be done in the background since they won’t be running forever once someone exits the app, just until the action is complete.

mrentropy's avatar

@rawrgrr Yeah, I understand that. I flew from NJ to TX yesterday and my phone was dead by the time I landed. And it was off for the four hour flight. If I didn’t have my work phone with me, I wouldn’t have had a usable phone. And I had a signal inside the Newark airport, so I can’t blame it on searching for a signal.

rawrgrr's avatar

@mrentropy hmm what phone do you have?

mrentropy's avatar

@rawrgrr It’s a Samsung Vibrant.

jerv's avatar

@mrentropy Depending on what else I am doing, I find that 70–85% of my power usage goes to my screen and it’s backlight. Surfing the net for about an hour took 40% of my battery whereas just leaving it in my pocket (screen dark, but still receiving hourly updates via 3G) drains 20% over the course of eight hours. Maybe that will help you figure out where your battery is going.

BTW, how old is the battery in your phone? LiON batteries don’t age gracefully, especially not if they have ever seen high temperatures… like a closed car in the summer. Under the “right” circumstances, you an lose 60% of your maximum capacity in three months!

mrentropy's avatar

@jerv The phone and battery are, as far as I know, brand new. I don’t know how long it’s been sitting in the box, though.

jerv's avatar

@mrentropy I found this in one review of the Samsung Vibrant

“If you have concerns with battery life, change your wall paper. With AMOLED technology true black doesn’t use power. I searched out black.png on Google and set a straight black wallpaper, it has been reported by doing this you gain 1.5% battery life every 15 minutes of use. If that is true you can save 24% battery in 4 hours of use with a black background. This of course doesn’t affect widgets, movies, web browsing, games, movies, or anything else you use. A little gain in battery life isn’t a bad thing, right? Personally, I’m kind of loving how slick it looks with a black screen.”

Apparently, the wrong wallpaper can suck 6%/hour :/

mrentropy's avatar

Yep. It’s not 100% black, but my background is pretty dark. And it’s not even animated.

Pachy's avatar

After owning every generation of iPhone, I switched to a Galaxy S3 because I liked my Android tablet. But I quickly grew to hate the phone’s lousy battery life and keyboard and, ironically, its unnecessarily endless customization choices. Now I’m back to the latest iPhone and happy as can be.

I’ve heard and experienced all the Android vs. iOS pros and cons and now, having used both, I know that for my purposes, the iPhone is my best choice. I prefer its looks, simplicity and reliability.

jerv's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room “Unnecessarily endless”? That is rather subjective. What you call “unnecessarily endless”, I call “minimum acceptable”. Some people like being in a strait-jacket, and there really isn’t anything wrong with craving restriction, except that many who do insist that it’s the best thing ever for everyone and that anyone who doesn’t like being handcuffed is an idiot. I’m happy that iPhone owners are happy; just respect that what makes me happy is different from what makes you happy.

Then again, a large part of my bias is that the one iOS device I actually owned crashed more times in a day than my Droid X did in >2 years (disproving that Apple’s app store has better QA screening than it’s Android counterpart) and it could not do simple-yet-vital things like read a PDF file properly, or share the same file between 3 different reader apps.

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