How would you summarize classic or famous movies in just six words?
Bouncing the idea off of papayalily’s Novel question, let’s also create six-word summaries for movies!
They can be funny, smart, creative, anything…
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75 Answers
Batman defeats Joker, Harvey falls down. – The Dark Knight
Robots invade earth, megatron defeated temporarily ~Transformers 1 or 2 depending on how you look at it
“I’m the Ubermensch.” “Whoah, I’m Jesus.” — Matrix: Revolutions
Megan Fox running in slow motion. – Transformers 1 and 2.
We know, the book was better – All movies based on books
In my opinion it seems a little rude to post this question immediately after @papayalily posted hers. Shouldn’t we let people have fun with hers first before introducing an almost identical one? Wait till tomorrow to ask this one?
Singing children with lots of romance. The Sound of Music
@papayalily Oh okay! Excellent collaboration, then, Jellies.
Poor boy scores a Chocolate Factory. —Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
YES YES YES YES YES YES -When Harry met Sally
Dream within a dream, confusion ensues… – Inception
Groundhog day, Groundhog day, Groundhog day…—Groundhog Day.
@erichw1504 That is a wicked movie.
killer wife’s his for looking Man – Memento
Paris Hilton and friends overnight stay : Hotel for Dogs
Naive guy lives through incredible life – Forrest Gump
An actress’ fantasy, silencio, blue box – Mulholland Drive
Looks like they’re under starters orders : Sex & the City
The kid can see dead people. – Sixth sense.
Scientologist vampire interviewed by handsome journalist- Interview with a Vampire.
@erichw1504 Bad, unnecessary remake of “Being There”. — Forrest Gump
@ucme Huh? What’s a starter, and what are his orders?
Cowboys get it in the end – Brokeback Mountain.
@papayalily Duh, that’ll be horse racing terminology I believe.
“Put your [bleep] mouth on the curb.” – American History X
Search for Grail equals epic laughs. -Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Wallace fights, screams freedom, then dies. -Braveheart
Threesome between Christine, Raoul and Phantom. -Phantom of the Opera
Offers you can’t refuse, then bloodbath. -The Godfather
Mel Gibson nails Jesus to cross. -Passion of the Christ
Boobies, boobies, boobies, Jennifer Anniston, boobies. – Just Go With It
Radioactive spider, cool powers, cute redhead. (Spider-Man)
Harry hallucinates, new Goblin, redhead recapitulates. (Spider-Man 2)
Hated by community, emo Spider-Man dances. (Spider-Man 3)
Sweet little virginal princess beds shortarses : Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
McDonalds makes people fat and sick. Supersize Me
The meat is full of poop. Fast Food Nation
Profit is better than people’s health. Food Inc.
“We’re gunna need a bigger boat.” – Jaws
Fresh Prince annoys extraterrestrials into submission- Independence Day, Men in Black, and MIB2.
Uh well…uhmm…hmm….nope sorry. – Donnie Darko
@ilana I’ve got it:
“Do you believe in time travel?” – Donnie Darko
Bourne kills guy with a book – The Bourne Ultimatum
There’s a tiger in the bathroom – The Hangover
The same girl always held hostage- Every spiderman movie.
Aliens visit earth, humans are assholes- District 9
Batman kills Twoface, Joker technically won- The Dark Knight
Living in pineapple under the sea- Spongebob Squarepants movie
White, Orange, Pink, Blue, Brown, Bang. Reservoir Dogs
Aged comedians vacation, hilarity doesn’t ensue. – Grownups
You have an oral clitoris – Deep Throat
Superficially; I wouldn’t even try.
Citizen Kane: It was his sled all along!
300: Historically innacurate, but still totally great.
Teen chases villain, drags drunk along – True Grit
Bigots, shy neighbor, ethical attorney – To Kill A Mockingbrid
southern belle wreaks post war havoc – Gone With the Wind
Monkeys learn, crazy computer, man evolves. – 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Eventually, Hitler is completely screwed. – Downfall
Evil child makes bid for presidency. – The Omen
Humans help blue aliens fight miners. – Avatar
Most penguins sing, but one dances. – Happy Feet
Private eye fakes photos, causes chaos. – Blood Simple
Lunatic doctor helps catch other lunatic. – Silence of the Lambs
Bad shit happens, but humans survive. – 2012
Cold shit happen, but humans survive. – The Day After Tomorrow
Aiien shit happens, but humans survive. – Independence Day
Meteor shit happens, but humans survive. – Deep Impact
Really bad shit happens, Earth destroyed. – Knowing
It’s simply the worst film ever! – Land of the Lost
Okay, I sort of missed the spirit of the thing earlier, so here’s how I’ll attempt to make it up.
I’ll do 3 words on the book, 3 words on the movie, and two of the words will be “book” and “movie”, so I’m actually going to use 4 words to describe two different media and you’ll probably know what book / movie it is when I’m done.
Book: fish wins. Movie: Hollywood ending.
Now, who knows the book and movie?
Monkey meets love and city ground- King Kong
Lost best friend, crazy shit happens- The Hangover
Pocahontas rip off, blue people win- Avatar
Boy finds sneakers, jumps really high- Like Mike
Looney Tunes, Michael Jordan, Athletic Aliens- Space Jam
Alien races fight eachother in pyramid- AVP
Guy framed, race in jail, escapes- Death Race
Stuttering prince becomes inspirational through therapy. The Kings Speech
Socially inept nerd creates social website. The Social Network
Ballerina goes crazy embodying Swan Lake. The Black Swan
Tough Marshall avenges waif’s fathers murder True Grit
Lots of snakes on a Plane. Snakes on a Plane.
Body in car, kill everyone involved – The transporter
Random girl, remote island, kill everyone – The expendables
I’m surprised to be the first on this thread to point here: fwfr. Makes a word limit of six look expansive!
Class restrictions and dating customs ridiculed – Pride and Prejudice
Guess whose dream it really is – Inception
Woman knits instead of getting laid – Like Water for Chocolate
Bees kill friend of mortuary dweller – My Girl
A more accurate summary of The Social Network: Two boring hours of douchey nerds.
“Ooooooh no, nooo! Not the bees!!!” – Wicker Man
Disturbed travelers seek mysterious con man
The Wizard of Oz
Mentally disturbed billionaire battles ninja warriors.
Batman Begins
Father, son don fat suits, Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son.
Same shit, different film: Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son
Guy cuts off his own arm: 127 Hours.
Star crossed lovers both die stupidly – Romeo and Juliet
May the Schwartz be with you- Spaceballs
If not for you meddling kids- every Scooby movie ever made
Robber likes girl he held hostage: The Town
Gotta shoot ‘em in the head. — Night of the Living Dead (and most other classic zombie films)
Girl improves speech and snags professor My Fair Lady
Best Plan of Action, enter Winchester – Shaun of the Dead
Psychics defeat psycho (with mom’s help) — The Shining
I am Jack’s nihilistic alter ego. — Fight Club
Gone With The Wind truly outstanding.
Secret Agent Man Does Las Vegas – Diamonds Are Forever
Collecting White Man’s Metal – Dead Man
Resourceful knuckeheads, videotape(!), Swanky Modes – Tapeheads
Underground boxing clubs become urban terrorists.
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