Can you recommend some tv shows worth watching?
I have watched quite a lot of tv, it is especially good when the weather is so bleak!
Some of my favorites have been – Dexter, the Wire, the Sopranos, Californication, Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men & the Boardwalk Empire.
Based on those kind of shows, do you know of any that I should be watching?
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33 Answers
Based on your list, I’d suggest you check out the following if you haven’t already:
Six Feet Under
Spartacus: Blood and Sand
Diary of a Call Girl
Alas, no.
Lately when channel surfing through the local basic cable channels I often ask myself why I am paying for a couple hundred channels worth of not a damned thing worth watching.
On second thought, I do enjoy the food network, the cooking channel, and a few travel channel shows.
I Shouldn’t Be Alive is always wonderful esp if you like biting your nails.
Miracle Detectives is a fun show on the OWN .
It is a must-watch show on Fridays. It is the only show to watch on Fridays!
i watch nisc on sky and i watch stargate
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My list would include Arrested Development, Venture Bros, The Daily Show (and to a lesser extent the Colbert Report), South Park (and to a lesser extent Futurama), Band of Brothers, Tosh.0
Netflix the Firefly series.
Sounds like Breaking Bad is the show for you! There’s enough time to catch up before season 4 starts in the Summer, too.
Damages, but you’ll have to Netflix it. The upcoming season’s going to be on the DirectTV channel. It was on FX before.
Detroit 1–8-7 is a big favorite in my house. Also, Avatar: The Last Airbender. Yes, it’s a cartoon, and yes it looks a bit anime, but it appeals to a lot of people out of it’s target demographic.
Dead Like Me, Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls – more lighthearted and fuzzy than stuff like Dexter, but with that same weird, dark look at the world.
I like the new Hawaii Five-O
The Big Bang Theory
The Mentalist
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Criminal Minds and Bones.
I like Bones and David B oreanaz is hot
Bones is a hoot. That chick is so funny. House is good. Men of a Certain Age is really good, but on hiatus now. Hell’s Kitchen rules!
Here’s another vote for Fringe and Damages.
Fringe can fuck off, go big or go home and watch X FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(For the record, I never saw Fringe but I don’t need to to know it’s not as good as Mulder & Scully ;)
Also, if you have a funny bone at all in your body you will love Parks and Recreation. I am obsessed with it.
@coffeenut It is hysterical. It was recommended to me by a friend a couple of years ago.
My favourite TV programme would be Wonderfalls but that’s not showing anymore. Look around for it online perhaps. It has a quirky sense of humour and it’s great!
Fringe and Big Bang Theory are both great.
I was sooooo disappointed when I tuned in to Big Bang Theory that one time….
In addition to many good suggestions above,
Modern Family – hilarious mockumentary sitcom
Walking Dead – AMC drama set in a zombie ravaged post apocalypse
Battlestar Galactica – drama set after the genocide of the human race
The Pacific – super depressing and angsty Speilberg/Hanks HBO miniseries about the Pacific Theatre of WWII
I like to watch Ncis is very good
I just picked up the Pillars of the Earth miniseries from my library and am looking forward to watching it :)
I like the history channel , and i like to watch the rudy
Why not make the switch and switch channels to The History Channel? There are some amazing stories really worth watching. And, who knows? You might learn something. I did.
Last night, the series started of How The Earth Was Formed.
I learned and did not know, that The Great Lakes were formed by ice Glaciers many years ago.
I lost what little respect I had left for The History Channel when it axed the Kennedy miniseries because it was “not a fit for the History brand” when somehow Nostradamus Effect and MonsterQuest and UFO Files are appropriate. Sorry. I’ll be getting my educational entertainment from elsewhere.
Try this out, it’s not new but you might like it. Discovered it acccidentally in Netlix. It’s pretty neat.
The Lost Room ( Peter Krause and Juilanna Margulies )
The only t.v. show of quality, for me, is “The Waltons”, a drama series that aired on t.v. in the 70s. It is now on DVD.
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