Social Question

Did breathing meth/crack smoke give me asthma?
I have the flu right now. This is day 5 and I can’t remember ever feeling this awful from the flu before. Because I’m asthmatic, every time I lie down I feel like I’m smothering, so despite being completely exhausted to the point I can’t keep my eyes open, I can’t sleep more than a few minutes at a stretch.
I never used to be asthmatic. Three years ago, I made the mistake of accepting someone as a roommate whom I knew had a drug habit. She had promised that she wouldn’t use in the house; she broke that promise the day she moved in. Within two months her boyfriend (who had just gotten out of prison) moved in with us. She had a crack/meth addiction, he had a heroin addiction; together, they both ended up with a crack/meth and heroin addiction.
The crack available here is stepped on pretty hard. It’s called “g-rock” and is actually more meth than crack (since meth is cheaper to manufacture, and it gets the user hooked harder). For a year, they lived in my apartment and smoked up, shot up, and eventually turned my apartment into a crack house. In the end I ended up thousands of dollars in debt from unpaid rent, phone bills, utility bills, stolen money, and so forth. They refused to leave and I had to get a half-dozen large friends together to enact an extra-legal eviction.
During the year I lived in Hell, I became asthmatic. I started waking up during the night unable to catch my breath, feeling like I was drowning. I caught a cold and it turned into double-lung pneumonia. Since then, I’ve had to use asthma puffers off and on.
My question is this: I’ve always wondered, did their crack/meth smoking make me asthmatic? Or would it have happened anyway? I’ve lived with smokers before so the fact that they both smoked (they claimed they smoked outside, but they lied; as if, with asthma and pneumonia, I wouldn’t be able to tell every time they lit up) shouldn’t have made any difference. Indeed, I, myself, smoke a pipe (though for some reason the pipe tobacco doesn’t trigger my asthma).