Social Question

Okay, the zombie apocalypse has arrived. What is in your Z.A.S.K., that is to say, your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit?
First of all, let’s make a few assumptions. Let’s assume that you have a kit prepared for when the zombie apocalypse finally gets here. Even if you’ve only known for a week or two, you’ve had time to prepare a kit. Let’s also assume that you have a basic first aid kit, a weapon of your choosing and access to food at least, at first. You also have a container of your choosing. You’re not expected to carry everything in your pockets.
Now, let’s lay down a few ground rules.
You must be able to carry your kit if your original mode of transportation breaks down, that is, if your mode of transport isn’t originally your feet. This means that the stronger, larger folks can carry more while the smaller, weaker folks can carry less.
You must have reasonable access to what you want in your kit. This means that if you don’t have access to a folded steel katana, then you can’t have one. However, if you have a real katana or you live near a shop that specializes in old weaponry, then you can have one. Let’s keep to the honor code, folks.
You can add to what you are already assumed to have. This means that if you think you will need extra medical supplies say you have asthma and you want to stow an extra inhaler in your supplies, feel free. The same goes for food and weaponry.
You can have things that you do not know how to use.
You can have illegal things.
Everything in your kit must exist. The noisy cricket may be a small, efficient weapon, but it’s not real, so you can’t have it.
I have something of a list prepared but I’d like to hear your answers before I tell you mine.