@hopscotchy Your 2 really upset me too.
I can’t stand to listen to someone constantly hocking up stuff in their throat. It makes my skin crawl.
Commercials that are way louder than the TV shows.
The sound of leaf blowers, especially when they get turned on and off, on and off, on and off.
Clerks that are indifferent or rude towards shoppers and shoppers that are indifferent or rude to clerks (this also applies to waiters, phone operators, maintenance workers and most other service persons etc.) I often want to scream at them and say, “You know there is a human being right in front of you!”
Children, pre-teens, girls, young ladies and grown women wearing slogans on their butts like “juicy” or “pink.” And young girls dressing like sexed-up adult women, and their parents thinking it’s cute or it’s just the current trend.
Boys and men wearing their pants down below their underwear and constantly tugging on their pants and putting their hand over their crotch and giving it a little grab. And those same people constantly saying, “Nome Sane?”
The loud sound that the screech of air brakes make (usually on the trash trucks or UPS trucks). It’s very startling.
People talking loudly on those phones that are hidden in their ears (that I can’t see) and when I answer them, because I’m assuming that they’re talking to me, they get angry and give me a dirty look. If I see some woman coming right at me, and then she shouts something like, “Whatchoo think you doing bitch!” and I don’t see a phone in her hands, how am I supposed to react to that?