Just curious, if you were given the chance, would you jellies in the U.S. want to move to Canada?
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Jude (
February 18th, 2011
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75 Answers
There are many things that I like about Canada, the spaciousness (fewer people per square mile), the natural beauty, but the climate would deter me.
Yes, Montreal, because Montreal seems like a great place to live. It reminds me of a European city. I love the cold and winter, so I would love Canada.
I’d like to chime in to ask those who are opposed to the climate: where do you live now?
I’m just curious, because there’s a common misconception that Canada is cold all the time.
I know that Canada isn’t cold all the time. But when winter comes around…..
@Aesthetic_Mess : Go to Victoria BC sometime in the dead of winter. It’s very mild and temperate.
It’s February 18, not yet 10AM, and it’s 48 in Toronto. Just sayin’ :)
49 and sunny here in Southwestern, On. :)
Definitely. Probably Montreal or Toronto.
Yes, absolutely. I like the climate, spaciousness, and beauty of Calgary. I like the cosmpolitan stylings, but Canadian sensibility, of Toronto. If my friends and family all died tomorrow, I’d move to Canada to live out the rest of my life.
I like everything about Canada, but I think I’ll stay in the US for now. It’s a screwy nation I live in, but I think that’s part of it’s charm. I think it’s a touch more freewheeling than Canada, if that makes sense. It’s a balmy 53 in Upstate NY today.
I’d have no problem if my house was instantly relocated to Vancouver.
If I won a multimillion-dollar lottery, I’d move there ASAP.
I lived the first 8 years of my life in Canada, and even though I’m now a naturalized US citizen, I think the Canadian government (parliament?) voted to restore citizenship to ex-Canadians in 2009.
Canada’s such a vastly beautiful, uncrowded, and relatively progressive country.
It’s also a treasure trove of fresh water, including what I call the great lakes slant.
What I’m referring to is the line of lakes starting with Ontario in the southeast, all the way to the Great Bear in the far northwest.
If global warming really happens – Yes!
@janbb You need to come and visit me. :)
I adore Montreal as well – and Toronto seems like a great city. There are a lot of things that I like about Canada as well – but outside of any “national” patriotism – I’m really, at heart, a New York City girl.
@iamthemob Girly, we should paint the town red sometime!
I like Canada, but I’m happy living in the U.S.
The climate where I live, is very much like where the majority of Canadians live. So that would not change unless I went farther north. I love to visit Toronto and other places in Canada, but I wouldn’t want to have to deal with the health care system there. My Canadian friends are very frustrated with not getting the health care treatment that they need and want. Even though it is “free” it really isn’t when you factor in the taxes that they pay. Not to mention the wait to see specialists and denials of service.
I love visiting Canada, I’m glad that I am such a close neighbor to them.
In a heartbeat. It’s my dream to live somewhere near Lake Superior.
Hell yeah. It’s not the U.S.
I’m in Mexico. It’s waaaaay too cold for me (though the people are nice, eh).
I hear Vancouver is exceptional. Some people think it’s the best city in the world. I’ve never been there, but I’d try it for a year.
I love BC, it’s all so gorgeous. If it wasn’t for a rather toxic family member, I’d live there for a while.
@Jude I’ll be going to Victoria and Vancouver this summer probably.
@janbb I have never been. I told the Missus, though, that we’re going in the next couple of years. Let me know what you think.
My Mom and Dad were out there for awhile and they said that it’s gorgeous. There, and Eastern Canada (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland).
Eastern Canada (Shipping News!)
I’ve been to Eastern and also the Canadian Rockies – Banff and Jasper. Lovely!
I wouldn’t but my daughter is trying. She has been in Squamish, BC for several years and is attempting to get a residency status. It is very difficult. She is always complaining about the damp and endless rain, but then the sun comes out and she heads into the mts.
@gailcalled Stop it. You’re killing me. That’s some beautiful country.
Not yet. The deal is that I got Milo and my daughter gets to fly east several times a year. I am no longer willing to get on a plane or even drive to an airport.
As much as I love Boston, I’m at a point in my life that if I found a better paying job, I’d move to a lot of places – including Canada.
I’ve been to both Montreal and Quebec and loved them both.
I’m in the UK and I really want to move to Canada!
No. I would be happy to move there for a reason, but not just to leave the US. I like living here.
@Jude Somewhere most progressive for queers.
@Jude That’s good though my activism around queer issues never ran much around conventional issues like marriage and we’d never be accepted as queer in the eyes of the law anyhow (but we are married given legal sex difference so that’s not an issue) and we’d never attempt to get refugee status either. I’m more concerned with how trans and gender non conforming people fair in underground economies not whether random gay people can get married. I’ve never been the assimilationist kind of queer and yes, I get, that it seems contradictory to my own marriage (which did provide benefits). I just don’t think all our energy needs to go into making queers part of the consumerist culture that seems to think a married family has to have more benefits. It shouldn’t. But as long as we’re playing, then everyone should be able to get married.
In a second. Vancouver here I come. Actually, I have a whole plan worked out that starts with Jude and I getting married.
@Jude Well clearly more of their government is into approving this bill than ours.
I live in the UK and at one point we were seriously considering emigrating to Canada (Ontario) because we have family there). Only the weather puts me off. British winters are already far too cold for me and Canadian winters are so much worse. Also there’s the difficulty of me not being able to drive, and Canada being a HUGE country without much public transport.
@downtide Where abouts in Ontario? The public transportation is wonderful here. :)
Hamilton, which isn’t too far from Toronto. It was okay there, and in Toronto itself, but travelling further afield would have been difficult.
Yes. I’d love to live in Vancouver, Toronto, or Montreal. I’ve actually researched moving to the upper parts of Canada for work for the experience.
Canada has some pretty restrictive laws for Americans to immigrate. They have income and asset requirements for permanent residence and a pretty tight border security. It is a good thing too because Canada is what Americas would have been if we had self control and community spirit. I have looked into moving there after or if we retire.
They have a peaceful society, lots of room, and a great medical system. I have friends that became citizens here, they are glad they didn’t have to give up their Canadian passports, I suspect they are re-thinking the move.
Yes. Superior culture and intelligence.
“Canada is what Americas would have been if we had self control and community spirit.”
That is such a great compliment to hear about our great country. Thanks.
No, I hate snow. I would like to move to the coast of Australia, though, but only if I could take my family with me.
If I could find a place in Canada that never got below 30 degrees or above 60 I would move there in a second. I HATE hot weather. Hell, I hate warm weather. The brutal summers in NYC were a big motivator in me deciding to return to California…but even the Cali coast is too warm for me. Plus, the people seem generally nice, and there’s far fewer of them.
I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And, no, it’s not all cowboys, cattle and oil here. :P
I love my city.. but I’d give it up to move rural and even closer to the mountains (Calgary is about an hour drive away from Banff). I’ve wanted to live in BC for many years (near the mountains on the east side of the province) but we just can’t afford it yet.
Nice to see some of the kind comments about Canada and canadians on here :)
Yes, but the weather scares me.
You know, we bitch about cold but we just dress for it and carry on. Blizzards can be kind of scary, but Alberta summers make up for it, light until 10 pm, 70F usually, amazing thunderstorms, and the scenery! You can have Badlands in the south, mountains in the west, forest in the north and prairies in the east!
@faye It’s probably not much worse than Denver, Colorado, where I spent the first 22 years of my life and hated all but three months of every one of those years.
@YARNLADY probably about the same! I’m okay with spring and fall so I get 6!
Oh, yes. Toronto or Vancouver. Wonderful cities; friendly civil people. If I wasn’t as old as I am I’d consider it more seriously than I can now. It’s too late to start over.
Montreal for the Jazz Festival…But only stay two months of the summer…then outta there for that frigid cold winter!
I am in lurve with Canada and Canadians. I’d either move to Toronto, Muskoka, Churchill, or Vancouver. I plan on moving there in the future sometime soon. Y’all can share those fine Canadian hockey guys. XD
I’d like to have a second home in Vancouver if money were no object. Or Victoria. What concerns me is how many days in the winter are cloudy. I don’t do well with lots of overcast days and where I live in E Texas it’s usually blinding sunshine.
Nope, I like the USA and Australia, the first is my birth place and I love it and the latter is now my chosen home and I love it here too. There is no country without its faults, they all just have different ones.
@iamthemob – I never knew you were a woman, wow, I never figured it, but I guess I should have!
@Seelix “That is such a great compliment to hear about our great country.” You are welcome. I go there quite often. I live in Northern Pennsylvania and it is easier to get to Toronto than to Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, I am on the Canadian shit list. I was turned back, years ago on the assumption that I was somehow working in Canada and taking jobs away from Canadian citizens. Now, every time I go there, I have to add extra time because they invariably send me through immigration. I like Canada despite the mistreatment and misplaced distrust.
@Ron_C – That’s unfortunate. My dad always has problems when he travels – apparently someone with his name is on a no-fly list (his first and middle names are Paul John, so I guess it’s relatively common) and he always has a hell of a time convincing them that, no, he’s not a bad guy, he’s just a 60-something dentist from Northern Ontario. Ugh. I guess you’ll find problems like that wherever you go.
@Ron_C I also know of people turned away because of suspicion of coming in to do some kind of work. I don’t blame the Canadians for trying to protect their jobs, but I wonder why it is so hard to prove that you are not coming to work. What kind of work do they suspect you of doing?
I was just thinking how ironic this part of the conversation is concerning illegal immigration and how the Canadians might feel if they were neighbors with Mexico and all those illegal immigrants were crossing their border to work.
Another thing I like about Canada is that they have a lot of national pride. I think that is a good thing for a country.
And…They have a beautiful National Anthem, it’s a good one and not hard to sing.
@wilma I was an electronics engineer, originally. Now I do process control. I always have my computer with me (even when it ran on DOS with a 286 processor). I also like to bring 80# of my favorite tools. I quit bringing the tools long ago. I tried to explain that I supervised the installation work done by Canadians and that when I leave, more Canadians are making money. Sometimes there is no problem but most of the time I have to go through immigration.
The thing that really gets me is that I have on problem getting into China, Mexico, most of Asia, and even Singapore. I keep wondering why the Canadians are so effective protecting their border but people just stroll across the U.S. border.
@Ron_C I wonder that as well.
I wonder what would happen on our southern border if we took the same approach as the Canadians do. It would be interesting to see that happen.
I know a guy who does the same type of work that you do. He always takes along his fishing gear (ice fishing in the winter) and packs the tools in his tackle box.
Trying not to hijack @Jude ‘s question here.
Another thing I like about Canada is that I can drive there easily, the road rules are very much like my own country. I wonder what the differences are?
I can spend their money at home if I have any left after a visit!
@Ron_C I think most of it is the attitude of the government toward illegal immigration.
I love visiting Canada, and do so on a regular basis. I would not live there however, unless they changed their laws on handguns.
I totally missed this question. :/ I have an answer as to why we protect our borders so efficiently. It’s because we give out free health care. And the more people we just let waltz right in the more possible strain the puts on our healthcare. It am pretty sure it’s easy for criminals to take someones identity and then go get free health care I am sure they have thought of it all. Also the border patrol do not like people who bring drugs in and out and they also don’t like it when people do not declare large amounts of money, because then they are not paying taxes on that and that is a big no no also then the government can be very involved in what money you are bringing into and out of the country.
Canada is not a free country, besides of not being able to carry guns, the fact is that most streets around my area you really do not feel the need to carry them anyway and usually anyone in my city who uses guns are criminals and the other people who use them for “protection” do not use them because they never need to so the criminals usually steal or buy the guns from those people.
Everything closes up at 9pm. If you go outside at say 1am no one is around. There have been shootings but very minimal. The city is growing.
Before you know it the mayor actually wants to put up tolls just to enter in and out of this city anyway…that’s fun lol I think it is a form of martial law, of course he is liberal, not that there’s anything wrong with that. lol.
One time we actually had the marijuana party running, sounds great doesn’t it? A city run by potheads, sigh I am glad they only got a little over 400 votes < yes they actually got votes, we would have no money for anything, they would literally smoke it all away, I can only imagine the scenario. LMFAO.
I will most likely stay here even until it costs me a toll to open my front door. Oh wait it does cost me a toll…I pay property taxes which ironically I still continue to pay even after I own my house and have paid it in full. LOL.
Welcome to Canada. Here’s a beer fer ya. Bend over eh and enjoy the beautiful view! Eh! err OW! wtf.
@KaY_Jelly It’s not Free health care, many people make that mistake. It’s actually pre-paid health care on the part of the taxpayers.
@YARNLADY Yes I know. I suppose I should of clarified that part, which I thought I did when I stated ”Canada is not a free country,”. I was hoping my humor and sarcasm would come across more than the fact that I did not clarify that we actually pay for our medical health, but honestly, my whole “rant” starts off with how I was emphasizing the idea that we give away free health care and I go right into end the “rant” with how I feel like I am living in martial law even having to pay to open my front door.
At least that’s how it went in my mind. I thought it was pretty clear. o_O
But also just a side note, if a criminal from another country were to take the identity of a Canadian person they could potentially get “free” healthcare. Free for them, obviously not for Canadians, because they would get treated under said Canadians assumed identity and xx criminal would pay nothing for it…yes we Canadians still pay for it but border control want to prevent unwanted strain on the canadian healthcare system. And if you are a visitor and have a medical problem our healthcare does not pay for you.
Anyway, thanks for making it more precise.:)
I just brought it up in light of the current health care crisis in The U. S.
I wonder if there will be a Canadian invasion when global warming makes the weather less desirable closer to the equator.
@YARNLADY That part I understand. I do appreciate your thoughts and ideas. :)
This is the long and drawn out personal opinion to the global warming and Canadian invasion remark but is only mine and is just in response to the global warming remark which is a topic that gets me going anyway :/
I apologize for it (but I can’t help myself) personally for myself they have pretty much confirmed it is us humans that have been causing global warming. The thing is I also think we could change it…but for some reason some still want to eat more and more meat and buy products that have toxic chemicals in everything these companies sell and in turn some people are unaware about what type of businesses they are supporting & whats being done behind our backs. Consumers should start to arm themselves with that knowledge because it’s that stuff that I IMHO think is killing us and our children’s kids futures, for example IMHO “Oral B” is the worst dental product to buy. “Oral B” even factory farms meat, and one time in 2008 after their workers were there for years they realized they were being poisoned by elevated cadmium levels. That type of stuff is toxic. I won’t even start about tin and coral reefs and Indonesia and so on. :(
So if people all moved to a specific location instead of just changing their ideas I think that would considerably stress out that particular society and region. I’m personally hoping and pushing for change for a better tomorrow and planet.
I also believe if we don’t change this stuff it will be a contributing factor to the end of our civilization, but who am I because the Mayan civilization collapsed because they could no longer grow corn which was their main staple. Honestly though I don’t know how or what is the best way to fix it. I mean companies still want to feed us horse meat, and still want to feed our pets “organic grain fed” meat which takes away grains from us and just adds more crap literally to global warming and many consumers still believe that is the right way. This weekend is Canadian thanksgiving, is this like the worst global warming time of the year? IDK. So what is the answer? I don’t really know that either. Should we all just move to the best location when global warming hits? I thinks results would be less than spectacular for all involved, probably pandemic. I think I saw that video on nat geo. :/
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