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talljasperman's avatar

What Commodore 64 game is this?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) February 18th, 2011

the game was set in the future that had a Avatar of Homer (non-Simpsons)... and you needed to access different parts of the computer grid to find out what happened to the civilization… It was a game in which you needed to find the next chapter of a story in a computer grid… and how did the game/story end?

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8 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

@mrentropy yes.. thanks… how did the story end?

mrentropy's avatar

I dunno. I just typed “Commodore 64 game homer” into Google and that was the second thing that popped up. 1986 and no Atari 8-bit or ST port? I wouldn’t know.

mrentropy's avatar

According to that Wiki page, there’s what might be a free eBook available that goes through the whole thing. Read it and find out. Or get yourself a C64 emulator and see if you can find the game somewhere :)

talljasperman's avatar

I ordered a copy from my library… I should have it by December 2012… the online e-book is only half the book and the rest is only available to U.S. citizens.

mrentropy's avatar

that time will just fly by, I’m sure.

talljasperman's avatar

Noooo… They wont lend me a copy

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