I’m amazed that, steeped in cultural critique as he historically is, that Hitchens seems to celebrate evidence that men and women’s brains act different to humor with the implication that there’s a biological, rather than social, basis for it.
I don’t find the results, or the phenomenon in general, to be surprising. But I am surprised that Hitchens thinks there’s something “natural” about it. Women are not, as a rule, encouraged to engage society in the same way that men are. I also don’t see how he determines that more women comics are bad than women comics without showing whether there is a different ratio of good to bad. I also am inclined to believe that the ratio would be skewed to a high percentage of women being better comics as there are probably more men who feel comfortable getting up in front of the crowd.
It’s also interesting that, for some reason, the concept is introduced with the example that men don’t talk about women they like being funny as part of their description, and women do. Well…to be honest, they also don’t really talk about them being smart unless they’re really smart. As he mentions, theoretically women should be able to recognize humor if we’re assuming that there’s an evolutionary reason why men are funny – e.g., to attract women. Of course, that not only means that they should be able to recognize humor – but that they very well should be able to recognize who is funnier than whom better.
What this does, really, is provide just as much reasoning that women are simply more funny, and men are just really trying. With numerous efforts, the’ll hit the target a lot of the time…but they’ll also be off a lot. And of course, if humor is “man’s humor” then men won’t really find women funny instantly and uproariously unless, well…unless they’re dumbing it down.
Christopher Hitchens I believe really, really, really wants this to be true because, as he mentioned, he has spent his life trying to entertain the ladies. If men are really funnier than women, that effort won’t have been in vain. If women have been, for the most part, just “humoring” men – well, he’d look pretty stupid wouldn’t he?
Stupid and not funny – and as he mentions also, that’s one of the saddest thing men can hear. That he can’t hear it is, perhaps, the least surprising thing of all.