General Question

asmonet's avatar

In which episode of Space Ghost is it revealed that Zorak is a virgin?

Asked by asmonet (21470points) February 18th, 2011 from iPhone

I can’t find the answer to save my life.

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5 Answers

kenmc's avatar

Which iteration of Space Ghost?

asmonet's avatar

Fair point, but since in the 1960s I doubt they’d be discussing the virginity of one of the villains… I meant Coast To Coast. :)

kenmc's avatar

I asked the IMDB message board for you. Hopefully someone will answer.

kenmc's avatar

Got an email from IMDB on the message board post. Apparently, I was an idiot and mistakenly put “gay” instead of “virgin”. I’m also apparently an idiot… Anyway, here ya go.

asmonet's avatar

Thanks, Ken!

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