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6rant6's avatar

Ice cream - is there anything that just doesn't belong in there?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) February 18th, 2011

We’re trying two new ice cream flavors tonight – one has malt, the other cream cheese. Now, I’m not at all persnickety when it comes to food (I’ll like them both). But I know many of you are.

So what do you see cooked into commercial ice cream that just makes your stomach turn?

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17 Answers

6rant6's avatar

You have seen turkey in commercial ice cream?

zenvelo's avatar

Meat of any kind. I have seen bacon and I have seen salami.

6rant6's avatar

I’ve seen cakes made to look like cars, too. I wouldn’t eat a car, but that’s not really the point. So turkey, is a non-starter.

But salami and bacon. Wow. I probably wouldn’t order that.

Bellatrix's avatar

Turkey, bacon and salami as ice cream flavours? Bizarre. I think I will stick to chocolate or vanilla, the malt sounds quite nice though.

KonanBarbarian's avatar

Tripe would ruin it for me. And maybe chorizo. Definitely lima beans would suck majorly.

Deja_vu's avatar

Personally I can’t stand Green tea flavored.
@zenvelo I heard of the Bacon flavored ice cream. nasty

Mikewlf337's avatar

I have never seen a flavor that I thought didn’t belong. You can’t decide what belongs in ice cream and what doesn’t. What seems nasty to you might be tasty to another person.

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janbb's avatar

i’m not particularly into herb or any savory flavors – like bacon – in ice cream. I like it sweet!

marinelife's avatar

Mushrooms. I like them in almost everything, but ice cream? No.

thorninmud's avatar

I’m probably in the minority on this one, but I think it’s a bad idea to put chunks of chocolate in ice cream. Chocolate melts at around 90 F, but the ice cream cools the mouth to well below that. The chunks just sit there feeling like hard wax, unable to actually release their flavor. You get a lot more chocolate flavor by emulsifying the chocolate into the ice cream base.

gailcalled's avatar

Brocolli, liver, and garlic (although I know that you can find garlic ice cream at its eponymous festivals, such as at the one near me )

WasCy's avatar

Cookie dough.

And before anyone reads the cookbook that was referenced in another of today’s questions and finds a particular recipe there, I’ll say “semen”.

faye's avatar

Any fishy thing. I watched a show where they had lobster, shrimp, anchovie ice cream.

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