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partyparty's avatar

Butter vs Margarine - what should we be eating?

Asked by partyparty (9167points) February 20th, 2011

Just read this article about whether we should be eating butter or margarine.
What do you think?
What do you eat?

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21 Answers

ucme's avatar

I like Utterly Butterly….....I can’t believe it’s not butter! :¬)

deni's avatar

Margarine is not real….so…no thank you. And it doesn’t taste as good. I’ll take a good old fashioned stick of butter of a dyed yellow tub of goop any day.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I eat butter. Just not so much of it.

auntydeb's avatar

Neither, at least with any regularity of frequency. Virtually all tastes are learned, it is not so difficult to unlearn tastes as well. Natural plant oils, nearly all of them, contain the kinds of fats and oils we need for health. Try the Spanish way with Olive oil: rub fresh, raw garlic onto bread, then squash an overripe tomato (or a lightly grilled one) onto that, finishing with a drizzle of oil and some black pepper. Great flavour, no butter, no trans fats.

Some natural, particularly cold-pressed oils have lovely flavours; a particular favorite at the mo is Sunflower, it is nutty and sweet. Drizzle a little and spread it with a knife… A combination of oils and very small amounts of organic butter, especially Goat Butter (fat is slightly differently put together than in Cow butter) is really enjoyable and much healthier than anything processed, saturated or hydrogenised. More sustainable too.

jonsblond's avatar

There’s nothing better than sweet cream butter.

deni's avatar

@jonsblond I do a pack a week.

rooeytoo's avatar

I use the spreads made from olive oil. I like the taste and they seem to be the lesser of all the evils.

Kardamom's avatar

I use Smart Balance which does NOT contain partially hydrogenated oil. And it does contain plant sterols which have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. I think it tastes really good too.

Earth Balance tastes even better, but doesn’t have the addition of the cholesterol lowering plant sterols, but it too, does NOT have any partially hydrogenated oil.

jca's avatar

butter because it’s natural and simple.

sakura's avatar

I love butter, we eat anchor butter (from New Zealand)

deni's avatar

@Kardamom oooh I use that as well. It’s so tasty.

sakura's avatar

not sure which we should be eating though… to me I can’t see the point of eating things I don’t enjoy, don’t get me wrong if someone serves me a sandwich or toast with margerine on I wouldn’t not eat it if I was hungry or complain that it wasn’t ‘proper butter’ but by choice I prefer Anchor butter as stated before, just thouht I’d add a bit more ;)

incendiary_dan's avatar

Get pasture butter. It’s butter that comes from cows who aren’t horribly tortured in factory farms and eat their natural diet, i.e. grass. Because of that, the dairy ends up being full of good Omega-3 fatty acids, and a lot of fat soluble vitamins.

markferg's avatar

butter is better than margarine. Cows will respect you more.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I love butter and detest the taste of margarine though I don’t know which one is more evil for my health. @Kardamom‘s suggestions sound worth looking into. Thanks :D

jaytkay's avatar

@aprilsimnel I eat butter. Just not so much of it.

Me too. I follow a low-fat diet. I use very little, so I stick with the good stuff, real butter.

AmWiser's avatar

Butter. Give me the real stuff.

Anemone's avatar

In most cases I use oil instead of butter or margarine. I used to eat unsalted (sweet) butter because I didn’t want to eat fake, hydrogenated (unhealthy) stuff. For ethical reasons, I now use non-hydrogenated margarine. It isn’t unhealthy like hydrogenated margarines, and it doesn’t support the veal industry like butter does.

YARNLADY's avatar

Moderate amounts of which ever you feel most comfortable about, or your nutritionist recommends. A small pat of butter or margerine once or twice a day will not be a major factor in your overall health.

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