How do you sleep?
Do you do any of these sleep positions? I think there are some that they didn’t cover, like the flamingo (just picture how a flamingo stands and that’s the sleeping position), the horizontal (pretty straightforward) and the spooner (obvious again).
What are you? I’m either the starfish or the feotus.
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27 Answers
Foetus here. nothin’ fancy for me.
@OliverYoung, well, according to the article, “those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart.”
Uh .. I guess that’s pretty close. Though actually quite hard to call. Am I tough on the outside? hmmm…...
I’m between the yearner the freefaller & the starfish, well everything but the log in actual fact, I can’t sleep in that position , it just feels awkward to me…. :-/
hmmm apparently I’m a log. That’s closest to how I sleep, although when my arthritis is acting up I also will have a pillow between my knees/ankles to ease the pain in my joints which will be screaming at me. I’ve said before, this getting old stuff is just not what it’s cracked up to be :-/
Since I was a kid I’ve been a flamingo sleeper (on my back) but when coupled then I’m a spooner, the outside spoon since I’m little and get thrashy if I’m the one spooned.
You don’t have any positions that show a car steering wheel or a desk, so I can’t really answer.
I did once take a pair of old safety glasses and draw a pair of ‘eyes wide open’ on them. I used to call them my go-to-meeting glasses, because (if you get over how crudely the eyes were drawn) I could sleep behind them with no one the wiser – at least until I start drooling or snoring.
Hahahaha! I’m such a John Lennon fan, the first thing I thought when I saw your question was this, @troubleinharlem!
There’s not one for “kitten”? I’m almost a little ball. I guess that’s extreme foetus, then.
I sleep like a log but never long enough. :(
I’m between the foetus and the yearner. I sleep with my arms tucked up tight (lower hand under my head, always) but my legs straighter.
I probably assume all of them at some point during my troubled night’s sleep.
Seeing fetus spelled as foetus always cracks me up for some reason.
I don’t see an option for “subconsciously and furiously dry humping a body pillow for the entire night” on there, so I’ll just go with “the log.”
FreeFaller – No. Sleeping on the funyuns is too uncomfortable for me.
At some point I can relate to all the positions even @ragingloli #7. Freefaller is my favorite;-)
I’m a Starfish and my wife is a Freefaller.
I guess we’re both sides of the same coin.
I am a Freefaller all the way. I cannot sleep if I am not in this position. It really hurts my neck in the long run. What does it all mean???
I guess I’m a fetus, a freefaller, and a flamingo. I used to sleep on my back with my knees up, but I don’t do that anymore. Much. :p
I toss and turn, every which way.
Soldier or starfish when trying to fall asleep, fetus after falling asleep.
I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay…
I’m freefaller most of the time, but also yearner, foetus, and starfish during the summer.
@WasCy I wondered what that certain woodsy smell you had about you was.
I sleep in the foetus, the yearner (although my legs are usually out in the same direction as my arms rather than straight down), soldier and free faller. I sometimes lie in the starfish but it gets uncomfortable quickly so I don’t think I ever slep in that position.
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