How is marijuana smoking viewed in the us?
My husband has been accusing me of drinking and of substance abuse-I’m not and offered to test. However, he is a heavy heavy pot smoker. I don’t think weed is bad or anything, but he is a corporate executive who got a big ticket last year for having weed. He says weed is harmless, which although I agree I wonder if his place of work would be that relaxed. I feel like he is being sort of a hypocrite here because it seems like his contract would expect him to be drug free. Or is marijuana considered an okay thing here?
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22 Answers
Depends on where you are. Recreational smoking is considered a non-event in the SF Bay Area, but heavy dependence is bad no matter what the substance.
Some parts of the US take a very dim view of marijuana use. And so most major corporations.
Where in the US is “here” – it varies greatly by region.
@trailsillustrated If we’re talking about societal views, probably not that bad – especially if he’s not a wake-and-baker. If we’re talking about viewed by Washington law, or keeping his job, that’s a whole different issue.
Even within states it’s different depending on the people who are doing the judging. There are people who really, truly, don’t give a shit if someone smokes and may even think higher of the person due to it. Other people thinks it means you are a no good, irresponsible, dangerous criminal. Most people are in the middle, but there is a whole lot of variance.
Were talking morning, lunchtime, and all evening. thanks
@trailsillustrated Someone who is almost always stoned, who can’t even wait till a socially acceptable hour to toke up.
May I ask where you are natively from?
@MyNewtBoobs I’m from australia, and I’m going back, as he wants to divorce me, which is fine, but he’s trying to say it’s because of alcohol and drugs- I don’t drink, and I quit drugs in 2006, I’m totally clean-
@trailsillustrated Well, if he’s a heavy smoker, then he may not be the rational and logical person at the moment…
@MyNewtBoobs yeah- I think it’s an excuse to get rid of me and my children- who already went back, btw, cause he freaked them out- Thanks, sort of was I was thinking too
@trailsillustrated if he is wanting to divorce you, it IS because of the alcohol and drugs… the ones you don’t do anymore. if he is a heavy pot smoker and drinker, chances are he’d rather be with someone who enjoys doing that with him. I’m not advocating you use with him, but it is possible that is the viewpoint he is seeing it from – not rational, I know, but still.
Many jobs require a drug test before being hired and sometimes periodically at random thereafter.
@wilma Those are so easy to beat
Heavy weed smoking makes people not happy and high but paranoid and anxious, maybe he’s one of those? I’ve lived in the USA all my life and growing up I always associated weed smoking as trashy or “street”.
@Neizvestnaya Actually, that has much more to do with personal chemistry and what strain they’re smoking than amount, just FYI
Depends on who you ask. Marijuana is (with a few exceptions) prohibited in the United States, so there’s that. A lot of people see it as being harmful in and of itself, others for its potential as a gateway drug. And a fair few enjoy it, resent the criminality of it, reject the concerns regarding its use, and are inclined to think that it’s all a Big Tobacco conspiracy.
If you’re young, it’s viewed (by my circle of aquaintances at least) as irresponsible yet something kids experiment with. If you’re out of highschool though, weed smokers are seen as lazy, ambition-less, and as possessing the need to grow up. Basically, this is because you’re not being productive with your adult life during the time you spend smoking weed. I’m referring to the habitual weed smoker, not the once in a blue moon (once a year or every few years) weed smoker while they have an occasional night out etc.
It’s also viewed that there’s no gray area between the wake-and-baker and those who pass a joint at a concert once a decade.
@MyNewtBoobs Outside of gossip circles, the black-and-white isn’t so much about the frequency of the offense as it is about the likelihood of a future occurrence. If you “pass a joint at a concert” and never touch the stuff again, then a lot of people won’t even care. This was my dad, back in the day. We’ve never talked about just how much he smoked; he did, and after he converted some thirty years ago, he quit. That part of the past is irrelevant and unimportant enough that it almost never comes up.
@Nullo This is very true. I’m pretty damn liberal minded when it comes to marijuana, and I think differently about someone who is always high versus someone who smokes responsibly And I think responsibly can also mean frequently. I think very differently about someone who drives, goes to work, and spends their day high then I do about someone who smokes, even daily, in a safe (non-driving) place when their responsibilities for the day are done.
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