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ucme's avatar

It's my __________ and i'll __________ if I want to.

Asked by ucme (50052points) February 21st, 2011

Continuing the “blankety blank” trend. Fill in exactly as you please that’s what she said. Be as creative, succinct, funny or sarcastic as you damn well please, thanks awfully =0)

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46 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

lolz ‘the blank trend’.
hows that?

thorninmud's avatar

It’s my heart (y) and I’ll fry if I want too.

ucme's avatar

@queenie Good enough for me :¬)
@thorninmud You would fry too if it happened to you ;¬}

Nullo's avatar

“It’s my clientèle and I’ll berate them if I want to,” possibly even more destructive than @thorninmud.‘s

MilkyWay's avatar

let me do another one lmao…
it’s my cat and i’ll sleep with it if i want to…
so there, mum.

filmfann's avatar

It’s my diet and I’ll cheat if I want to.

ilana's avatar

It’s my fence and I’ll peek if I want to.

MilkyWay's avatar

LMAO!!!! everyone’s making me laugh. my mum’s giving me a dirty look for laughing so loudly…lolz.

ucme's avatar

@queenie‘s mum, I bet you look sexy when you’re angry XD

MilkyWay's avatar

@ucme huh? ok, i’m telling my mum you said that lol.

ucme's avatar

That was my intention. Yay let’s interact, even if I too get a dirty look.

ragingloli's avatar

It’s my child and i’ll eat it if I want to.

Brian1946's avatar

It’s my quip and I’ll paraphrase Leslie Gore if I want to.

MilkyWay's avatar


12Oaks's avatar

life/waste it

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It’s my body, and I’ll fuck it up if I want to

buster's avatar

Its my christmas tree and i’ll get drunk and piss on it if I want to.

dreamer31's avatar

Damn ..I missed all the fun!.....Oh well

It’s my money and I’ll blow it if I want to!

It’s my cigarette and I’ll smoke if I want to!

It’s my computer and I’ll spend hours on it if I want to!

AmWiser's avatar

It’s my nose and I’ll pick it if I want to. Now there.

dreamer31's avatar

@AmWiser Now that’s a good one!

Pandora's avatar

Its my arm pit and I’ll clean it if I want too.
(my daughters idea I feel—Its my car and I’ll dent it if I want too!)
She and the cement posts in garages seem to have a difference of opinion.

markferg's avatar

It’s my southern chicken and I’ll fry if I want to.

dreamer31's avatar

It’s my body and I’ll be pleasantly plump if I want to!

osullivanbr's avatar

It’s my answer and I’ll screw it up if I want to.

dreamer31's avatar

It’s my problem and I’ll cry if I want to!

bkcunningham's avatar

A one-year-old…It’s my potty and I’ll try if I want to.

zenvelo's avatar

It’s my car and I’ll fart if I want to!

Nullo's avatar

It’s my cry and I’ll party if I want to.

demonictruth's avatar

It’s my house and I’ll run around naked if I want to!

Thank you dad for the revised house rules when I turn 18

Plucky's avatar

It’s my poo and I’ll fling it if I want to.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

It’s my money and I’ll party if I want to!

Bluefreedom's avatar

It’s my marriage and I’ll divorce if I want to.

sliceswiththings's avatar

It’s my bed and I’ll fart if I want to.

FutureMemory's avatar

It’s my love and I’ll give it if I want to.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It’s my pain compliance hold and I’ll make you cry if I want to. ;)

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

It’s my computer and I’ll sell it for a Macbook if I want to.

bunnygrl's avatar

Jade’s my furbaby and I’ll spoil (with little pink jackets and teddybears) her if I want to :-)
bought her a penguin and baby seal stuffies yesterday, and she loves them lol.

dreamer31's avatar

a 4 year old….

It’s my butt and I’ll wipe it if I want to!

Julietxx3's avatar

It’s my life and I’ll F*CK it up if I want to !

littlekori's avatar

It’s my body and I’ll dress how I want to!

MilkyWay's avatar

LOLZ, PEEPS…. keep it going.
thanks @ucme for asking SUCH a silly question. the answers are still making me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!!

FutureMemory's avatar

It’s my body and I’ll tattoo it if I want to.

Plucky's avatar

It’s my fart and I’ll smell it if I want to.

MilkyWay's avatar

@PluckyDog hahaha LOLZ , LMAO AND ALL THE REST.

rebecca_harris9's avatar

its my boyfriend and i’ll flirt if i want to ;)

MilkyWay's avatar

This thread is one of my favs

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