Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

Do mums look sexy when they're angry?

Asked by MilkyWay (13911points) February 21st, 2011

One of my friends on fluther actually inspired this question.
So, do you think mums can look sexy when they’re angry?
It can be from anyone’s point of view.

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21 Answers

ucme's avatar

Hahaha, maybe :¬)

12Oaks's avatar

I’d prefer a smile to a snarl, but I suppose some could.

dreamer31's avatar

LOL! My husband thinks so;)

troubleinharlem's avatar

Isn’t it subjective?

buster's avatar

Chrysanthemums are so sexy when they are pissed off!

osullivanbr's avatar

I was going to say “I’ll ask my kids in the morning when they wake up” but since it seemed wrong I decided not to say that.

Oh wait. Damn!!!

syz's avatar

Uh, no.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Mostly they look scary… But I like to date within about 5 years of my own age (20s), so maybe if I was older and a mom, I’d be looking at a fellow 45 year old and thinking “mmm, wouldn’t mind her in the sack, bet she’s feisty!”.

markferg's avatar

happy, yes. Angry, noooo.

zenvelo's avatar

I don’t think anyone looks sexy when they’re angry.

Ladymia69's avatar

Mine never did. Gross!

ETpro's avatar

I don’t know. Here’s a whole group of mums. Which ones look angry? I can’t tell an angry one from a happy one.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ETpro Did you mean to direct us to a blog consisting mostly of pictures of dogs and flowers?

ETpro's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs No. So sorry about that. I didn’t realize that the lightbox enlargement had the same URL as the overall blog. I meant this picture of the ink flowers that was posted there/ Cl;ick the small picture for the lightbox enlargement.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m a mum. I wonder what those that know me would think?.....

I really don’t want my teenage sons to say I’m sexy. That would be awkward.

I don’t think my husband is feeling the sexy when we argue. but the make-up sex, wow!

My parents think I’m cute. just sayin’

Strangers would think I’m just being a bitch.

Friends. maybe?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@jonsblond But what about your sons’ friends?

IHateMusic's avatar

What the hell?!

joannamc's avatar

my man seems to find me sexy when I am angry. It makes it very difficult to be angry with him! But I don’t know about my daughters friends and boyfriends. If I get angry with them it could cause a complete breakdown in the family structure so I had better not try. Let’s just go with “Of course Mums look sexy when they are angry. Mums just constantly exude sex appeal!”

ashonti's avatar

hell yeah they look sexy as hell

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