Do you miss certain jellies that you 'lurve' when you have not seen their posts for a few days?
Asked by
dreamer31 (
February 22nd, 2011
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52 Answers
Yes.I wish Kooky Kowboy would come back!
I tried to talk him into it a few weeks ago.No dice ;(
There are a couple I miss but I have gotten used to the revolving door here. Hi!.....goodbye! Nice knowing ya!! lol!
I used to get all Mommish on their asses and PM them being all concerned and stuff, until it occured to me that that might be a bit intrusive…
Sure you did…what about that P astrami with M ayo I sent you?
I wouldn’t go as far as to say I miss them, but i’d not object to seing BoBo on these pages again.
I have a sketchy idea of why Neffie closed her account.
Although it’s NOMB, I’m still curious about the details.
I missed a couple and then one came back.
Yes I miss them.
Rebbel, Chaz, BoBo, and many others too.
Yes. We have some interesting characters in here.
I miss a ton who haven’t been around for awhile (I’m talking a year).
Yes. There are few people I miss on here when they go away for a while. Please don’t go away again @Jude.
@Jude Very glad to hear it!
I do notice, but I figure it takes a big chunk of time to stay active daily. Some return after a hiatus, some get upset and don’t return….but either way a person’s gotta do what’s right for them. But, I notice.
Missing Loser who isn’t a loser.
I actually pm’d someone today that hasn’t posted in a couple days.
I miss a bunch, but, what’s the point. They ain’t coming back.
I miss Bobo and Realizex3 quite a bit. I miss Zen when he disappears for short periods.
Sometimes I miss AstroChuck. I just want to pinch his adorable little cheeks.
I am puzzled by the ones who disappear quietly, like Rebbel.
And I think they will be back.
And I missed 2 who left under a cloud—dpworkin and stranger_in_a_strange_land
I already miss Electra. She was funny, all that pent up rage, ‘intellectual’ condescension and referring to herself in the third person.
I sooooo miss Bobo. He brought lots of humour and light hearted fun to Fluther. Wish he would come back.
Anyone heard from Grisaillie, lately? Man, I miss that guy.
Hey! What happened to Neffie!? Her advice was always so reasonable. I miss her already.
Neffie’s taking some time, but I’m guessing she lurks a bit here and there…
Neffie, if you do go lurking a little just know we miss you.
@FutureMemory Thanks. I don’t disappear – it’s the time difference. And the old John Lennon reason: Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making fluther plans.
@wilma Ah yes Cruiser. Does anyone know why he has left? He always made such a contribution to fluther.
“Ah yes Cruiser. Does anyone know why he has left?”
He hasn’t left. Basically all he did was change his Fluther name to CWW.
@seazen_ I would not have recognized you had you not said anything!
I try to fly under the radar.
I always know you, Zennie, but then, I’m really short so my radar is naturally low…
Noticed that. One of your most appealing qualities.
@chyna is my lover from another fluther.
Can you hear my eyes roll?
@chyna : Gotta admire his boldness for taking us both on!
Captain Picard is going to the dogs. Woof.
So that’s what they mean by “warp”!
Oh, I am so warped.
Make it stop.
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