What movie could you always watch no matter the time or place?
Is there a movie that you could always watch? It doesn’t necessarily have to be your favorite film, but one that you can enjoy no matter the time or place.
If so, what is it and why? How many times have you watched it? Do you own a copy of it?
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65 Answers
Apocalypse Now. The only movie I have seen more than twice and yes own a copy. Everything about it is interesting. Script, directing, acting, action and especially the sound.
My Fair Lady :)
I love everything about that movie,especially the costumes.I have seen it countless times and yes,it is one of the few movies I own a copy of.
@Cruiser Interesting, I have yet to see that film. Maybe it’s time.
The Hangover. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I love that movie and have seen it I don’t even know how many times. And yes I own it(:
Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Pillow Talk
“The Quiet Man”
or “Rear Window”
Lol…..Any movie in my collection…
Random one….Diary of the Dead
Click with Adam Sandler…..I’m not much for watching movies multiple times but I laugh at this one everytime plus it reminds me to slow down and enjoy life more yes I own it
“Murder by Death” never fails to make me laugh no matter how many times I’ve seen it (lost count), and I have the dvd.
There are a few that I enjoy. One is Ground Hog Day and is very enlightening on the subject of getting life and making it into what you want it to be. Contact – This movie is very close to being how things really are. What the Bleep do we know – is also a good one about mankind and how we are. And last but not least any of the two Grumpy Old Men movies. They make me laugh and are very entertaining.
For some reason, every time The Abyss comes on tv, I watch it.
Donnie Darko. Own it. Probably seen it about 7 times so far.
A Mighty Wind
Anyone who’s worked in any kind of live production knows exactly how it goes, and Christopher Guest captured everything that’s so annoying about people when they’re all trying to put on a great show – and everyone has a different of idea of what form a “great show” takes. He also got that “late middle-aged, PBS-watching, former folkie” vibe dead on.
The revelation to me, though, was Eugene Levy. Such a lovely singing voice and the nuance of this performance really stunned me. You usually don’t see the kind of acting he does in this picture in comedies. With all that talent, why does he have to do stuff like American Pie Presents: Band Camp?
I saw it twice at the cinema and I don’t know how many times on DVD, which I own.
The Princess Bride, and My Cousin Vinny. I have seen both an obscebe number of times, but still enjoy watching them. I actually make it a point to watch My Cousin Vinny once a year or so o_o Other than that, Inglourious Basterds. I’ve preached that a thousand times on this website, and after having seen it 6 times or so, I still am completely in love with it.
Pleasantville, The Blues Brothers, Princess Bride and Animal House.
Dark Knight- In my list of top favorite movies
Any Redford/Newman
Mr Smith Goes to Washington
Any Harry Potter
I’ve seen all of these at least five times. I own Casablanca, but the rest come around on TV pretty regularly.
Donnie Darko also. I love that movie. I don’t own it but I watch it on netflix
I wouldn’t even put this movie into my top 10 list of favorites, but I have seen When Harry Met Sally at least 25 times. I don’t own it, but if I’m flipping through the channels and it’s on, I will watch it. I’ve probably only seen it all the way through once, when it was in the theater, but there are some really funny and some really touching scenes that really hit close to home for me.
Sense and Sensibility is one of my very favorite movies of all time and I do own a copy of it. I usually pop it in the DVD player about once every 3 months. This movie is my favorite from my Alan Rickman library : p
I will always stop and watch The Sound of Music, especially if it’s at the scene where Christopher Plummer goes out into the garden to tell Julie Andrews that he loves her. That scene makes me melt every time. I don’t own it, though, because it’s on all the time.
@aprilsimnel I completely fell in love with Eugene Levy in a Mighty Wind. The scene where he and Catharine O’Hara are singing “Kiss at the End of the Rainbow” makes me cry every time I see or hear it. I love the entire music CD soundtrack from that movie!
Okay, I have more and apparently feel the need to share
War—Kevin Costner, awesome movie
Fool’s Gold—Matthew McCanauha I know I spelled it wrong
Sweet Home Alabama—Reese Witherspoon
The Notebook—Ryan Reynolds
I guess I do watch movies multiple times I have watched these more times than I can count and have them all. All are awesome to me for different reasons.
@dreamer31 I’m assuming you mean Ryan Gosling was in The Notebook?
@erichw1504 yeah, thanks, LOL! I feel so smart
But that reminds me…Just Friends I swear
Home Alone. Watch it every Christmas time. Never gets old.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
@dreamer31 Just Friends is a GREAT one, very underrated!
Braveheart…..... Mel Gibson as wallace…..
Anything by Tarantino especially Fiction & Basterds.
Any of the Star Wars movies.
Dumb and Dumber. I’ve loved it since I was 5, which is when it came out. I think that if I tried, I could recite every line from the movie in order. I estimate that at this point, I’ve seen it probably 75 times. It never gets old…..it is never any less funny. There are probably 200 lines in that movie that make me cry from laughing. I watched it the other night for the first time while drunk and I seriously cried the whole time.
@deni Dumb and Dumber! That is one I could also watch any day!
@Joker94 It is, I didn’t even know about it till 2 years after it came out. Hilarious movie!
Gladiator is a favourite film too……….. With Russell Crowe
Loved Dumb and Dumber :-/
@dreamer31 My sister had to convince me to watch it, I was in the “Mehh! Romantic comedies are for girls!” stage. I ended up loving it XD
Mermaids. The Cher-Bob Hoskins-Wynona Ryder-Christina Ricci mix is always feel good for me especially the Cher part of that mix!
Finding Nemo. I’ve probably seen it 40 times or more; it’s one of my cheer-up movies.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s is another cheer-up movie. I’ve probably seen it about 20 times.
Snatch. is just so compelling, I can’t help but get caught up in it.
Same deal with Goodfellas.
I own copies of all of ‘em.
I don’t really get the “no matter the time or place” part of this question, as I can easily think of times and places where I wouldn’t be able to watch a movie. But as far as infinite capacity for re-watching… The original Star Wars (episode IV), which I saw about 30 times in the theater, and several times on Betamax (videotape) but not much in the last twenty years, but I could have that running and not get very sick of it, I think. I don’t own a copy.
Kill Bill vol. 1 I’ve seen it at least ten times and I own it as well. Uma Thurman would make me stop whatever I was doing, at any moment!
1) Transformers
2) The Town
3) A Walk To Remember
4) Anything with Ryan Reynolds
Never Cry Wolf – I can definitely, and have watched this one over and over, and never get sick of it. Both the story itself, and the beautiful cinematography, always disconnect me from the real-world and immerses me into northern Canadian arctic wilderness. It’s a beautiful escape!
Others include:
Dead Man
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
The Shawshank Redemption
High Fidelity
Grumpy Old Men
Almost Famous. Love the soundtrack too.
Urban Cowboy (seen this at least 20x)
Star Wars (at least 250x)
Return of the Jedi (at least 200x)
Casino (probably 10x – a new favorite)
The Road Warrior (well over 100x)
A Hard Days Night <—If you love The Beatles this is a MUST SEE
Sister Act 1 & 2
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Star Wars
Gran Torino <—amazing
4 Brothers
Hustle N Flow
Horton Hears A Who
Legend of The Guardians, The Guardians of Ga’Hoole <—absolutely amazing
The Goonies
Grandma’s Boy
@tigerlilly2 Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction were a toss up for my 2nd choice! I love Kill Bill!!
I forgot to mention Young Frankenstein even though I was just talking about it in that other thread about whether Blazing Saddles was a better pick than Rooster Cogburn.
Gene Wilder was such a hottie in YF!
I know you asked for one, but I have a three-way tie between Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, Hot Fuzz, and Shaun of the Dead
Love Don’t Cost a Thing (10x+)
Belly (3xs)
The Fighting Temptations (8xs)
@dreamer31- I only watch it about five minutes at a time.
My glue movies would have to be Chasing Liberty, Gone With the Wind, and Phantom of the Opera. Ooh, or Thoroughly Modern Millie.
Wizard of Oz, Gone in 60 Seconds, Serendipity, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Ultimate Gift, National Treasure, Mel Brooks or Monty Python movies, Original Pink Panther movies.
@elia – TWO TWO TWAIN! HAHAHAHHAHA! Oh man, that’s a good one.
I choose any Star Wars movie. Even Attack of the clones.
@demonictruth – Oh and Shaun of The Dead/ Hot Fuzz. And…. Iron Man?
Any of the LOTR movies, Kill Bill 1 or 2, Fight Club, or Annie Hall.
Even though I own them all on DVD, if I run into them on broadcast TV, with commercials, I will still watch it.
Little Shop of Horrors for sure, the musical version with Rick Moranis. Office Space always cracks me up, too.
The Green mile with Tom Hanks….. :-/
yeah men cry too!!
no competition, while you were sleeping. hands down. :)
This is an interesting thread. Usually, when the question is worded to ask us what are our top 10 movies, there’s quite a bit of overlap with all of us picking a few of the same movies over and over. But because the question is worded in such a way, that these movies are not necessarily our favorite movies, but somehow we are drawn to watch them anyway, I’ve noticed that we are all picking completely different movies.
I wonder why that is. Why do you suppose we all watch movies that aren’t on our top ten list (or even care to own them) but we still watch them every time?
And no offense to anyone (because I’m sure my picks sounded lame to everyone) but some of these movies are some of the worst movies that I’ve ever seen LOL whereas on the top ten lists, I liked a lot of everybody’s choices. Analysis anyone?
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