Social Question

Jude's avatar

Ladies, if you lost all of your hair, would you consider wearing a wig, or would you keep it bald?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 22nd, 2011

What would you do and why?

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29 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’d have a wig or two for some occasions, scarves and hats for others, and a little tube on sunscreen for the regular hanging around stuff in the summer. I’d have a bit of fun with all that!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I almost went for a treament last year that would’ve rendered me bald and have thought about this a few times.I probably would’ve got a few scarfs,wigs and hats too as I do like to wear them.but I am sure at some point,would have sported a chrome dome and not cared what anyone thought of it.

Jude's avatar

I have an Aunt who has Alopecia. Had it since she was a little girl. That brought on the question. She wears wigs.

dreamer31's avatar

I would like to think I am confident enough to go w/out a wig when I felt like it I admire people with so much courage, it shows true beauty and have a few wigs for special occasions.

picante's avatar

I am losing my hair at an appalling rate, and I know I’ll have a variety of devices very much as @JilltheTooth has described. The idea of a fancy turban really appeals to me. I don’t know that I’d ever be brave enough to show my baldness to the world, and I’m sorry that my vanity instills this fear in me.

Stefaniebby's avatar

I would definitely get a wig. It’s not the fact that I don’t think I would feel “pretty” if I was bald it just gives me a reason to wear one! To me wigs can be fun and exciting! I always felt like it would make my life so much simpler in the mornings if I just had a wig, plus it gives you and easy way to change your style and feel like a brand new woman!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Fortunately, @picante , the world today is not so harsh about such things as it once was. I faced the prospect when I had chemo, but I didn’t lose my hair. I was sorry about that, I was exhausted all the time and taking care of it just about did me in. If it hadn’t been winter I would’ve shaved it. If you do lose yours, remember, it ain’t nobody’s business but your own whether to show the dome or not. I have a feeling that you’d get used to it in good time and embrace having a cool head when others around you don’t ;-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I think I’d probably go bald and enjoy it. I like having short hair anyway. I may even do something fun like have some pretty tattoos drawn on my bald head!

OpryLeigh's avatar

My friend, Kerrie, has some fabulous wigs (she’s not bald she just likes a different hairstyle everyday) so I would probably take advice from her. I would probably find it very difficult to be completely bald in public (I have to admit I am very precious about my hair) but I would get by with scarves for the days when a wig wasn’t practical. I have seen some really pretty headscarves and would like to wear them even with my hair.

Supacase's avatar

I would like think I would go with scarves, but I’m not very good at taking the time to accessorize. Hats would be awkward for me. I am sure I would have a wig. Maybe I would get used to being bald over time and not worry about it so much.

Seelix's avatar

I think I’d wear wigs, just for the fun of it. I’m not at all vain about my hair – it’s been all colours and lengths, and if I were to lose my hair, that’s what I’d miss most: the ability to express myself with it and to change it on a whim. So wigs would totally do it for me.

I’d rock bald too, but the idea of playing dress-up with wigs is just too much fun to never wear them.

Facade's avatar

I’d just be bald.

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Seaofclouds's avatar

I love dying my hair different colors and having different styles, so I’d have a bunch of different wigs, all set out nicely so that all I had to do was put them on and go. :)

Aster's avatar

I’d have a huge wig collection. I don’t like people staring. ):

Mikewlf337's avatar

Im not a woman but if I were a woman and I did lose all my hair and I would tattoo hair on my head.

Berserker's avatar

I’d just get a tattoo of a skull behind my head or something.

jca's avatar

I would wear wigs – I am self conscious and I would not feel comfortable being bald. I heard wigs are hot and scratchy, but I would do it. I think the fun part could be trying different styles and hair colors.

I heard someone on the radio, I think it was David Brenner on Howard Stern show, saying once that he loved his wife because she would put on different wigs and it was like being with a different woman each night.

I could see the wig being like a fashion statement, according to your moods and clothes- one day the long black Elvira wig, one day the short spiky punky wig, one day the flowing blonde sex kitten wig, one day the corporate executive woman wig. This would go for in public as well as in the bedroom.

AmWiser's avatar

It’s all about attitude. I have many wigs and I also have a head full of hair but it depends on how I feel if I’ll wear a wig or my hair or a hat. If I were bald it wouldn’t bother me a bit, even if it were a permanent condition.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d have an excuse to try out wigs in all kinds of hairstyles I’ve always liked. My hair would become just another fun accessory, like a handbag or jewelry.

casheroo's avatar

Hair is an accessory. I would go bald when I felt like it, and different wigs when I felt like it.

aprilsimnel's avatar

My head’s not a cue ball, unfortunately.

What’s that on my head?
A wig!

joannamc's avatar

I would wear a wig. I have socially unacceptable ears.

My Mum lost her hair and would wear a wig to go out, but, if she was among friends it would not be long before she took it off because it was hot and annoyed her. She would make an entrance in the wig, assess the situation, and if she felt comfortable it would just go!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Ladies, that’s what hats are made for. Take it from a guy. No sunburn, shades the eyes, and comes off easy once you’re inside.

Earthgirl's avatar

joannamc I love your answer even if I can’t quite imagine what socially unacceptable ears look like,lol.
Adirondackwannabe I just like to think of wigs as an elaborate hat of sorts. There are actually hats that look a lot weirder than wigs do, especially these days. I have seen some really funny ones.
I would definitely wear a wig or a hat. I would look terrible bald. I don’t have Sinead O’Conner’s or Natalie Portman’s beautiful bone structure. As a matter of fact, once in High School some guy was staring at me and comes out with the statement, “you know, if it weren’t for your hair, you wouldn’t be good looking”....I felt like, “hey, who asked you?“lol

Anemone's avatar

Maybe this is a non-answer, but I’d probably do all of the above! I’d wear fun wigs at times, or just a hat, or maybe a scarf/bandana, or a hat over a scarf… and sometimes I’d just be my bald self!

tragiclikebowie's avatar

I would have to wear a wig/hat/scarf cause I have a lumpy head. My ears are mostly okay, but my skull is like the surface of the moon.

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emeraldisles's avatar

I would wear a titian red colored wig because I love that colr.

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