General Question

6rant6's avatar

Can you recommend a good texting site?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) February 23rd, 2011

I want to send text messages from my desktop computer to people’s phones. I’ve found some sites, but I want to make sure I’m not signing up myself or the person I’m messaging for spam.

Do you have a website you use for that which you would recommend?

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7 Answers

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RareDenver's avatar

I have used Fishtext back when it was an entirely free service and that was probably 2004 or 2005. Not sure what it’s like now.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Gmail will do that for you.

Stefaniebby's avatar

Get a Gmail account! My mom texts me all day from her gmail account :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

You can text peoples phone from email. It depends on the service they have based on how you need to format it. Like verizon is (phone number)

Just get whoever you want to be able to text to send a text to your email to figure out the endings for them all.

beccagolling's avatar

If you sign up for yahoo you can text for free…its fun! =)

Seth's avatar

Gmail loves you and will text people’s phoneses for free.

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