Meta Question

markferg's avatar

When questions disappear, is there anywhere to find out what happened?

Asked by markferg (1882points) February 23rd, 2011

Questions seemed to get pulled in a very arbitrary fashion. Is there a way to trace them? All seems a bit soviet as to the way questions get ‘erased’ from history. It’s the one thing that may make me give up fluther. It just doesn’t seem right to revise history this way.

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19 Answers

coffeenut's avatar

lol… Welcome to the Outer Limits… please stand by

They just get modded…If a question is in contradiction of The Guidelines it will be sent back to the poster for “Editing” So they can either fix it and resubmit (with the Mods approval) or abandon it…. cue the evil music

JilltheTooth's avatar

Really? “soviet” “revise history” ? And your tags…“dictatorship” “communism” and “fascism”?
Is it too early to start the food part now, Dog?

Dog's avatar

There is really nothing arbitrary about it. The question is back in the askers hands to be edited.

As @coffeenut mentions the Guidelines are the key. Sometimes even the user themselves ask to have a question back to edit. Really it is not a mystery at all. If you are curious or contributed to a question and know the URL you can still see it. If you want to know more you could ask a mod. :D

@JilltheTooth- What’s for dinner?

syz's avatar

I had girl scout cookies for dinner.

Looking at your history, you don’t appear to have ever had a question rejected. So you’re claiming fascism over other people’s questions?? Since moderators always let the OP know what the issue is when a question is returned, I guess you could try pm’ing them and asking why their question was returned, but that seems kinda nosy to me.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Dog : roast chicken, potatoes, broccoli or, if you prefer, an especially yummy kibble mix.

Dog's avatar

Is it the kind with gravy?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Special gravy from the chicken! Super yummy!

Oh, and @markferg, you forgot “censorship” and “Nazi”. I think those are required terms for this kind of Q.

chyna's avatar

Lean Cuisean Lasagna. I was too tired to actually make anything.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I saved some kibble with chicken gravy for Molly :-)

chyna's avatar

Thank goodness. She has ate all the chicken kibble out of her beef and chicken kibble 25 lb. bag and refuses to eat the beef. Picky eater, just like her mom.

P.S. I love mod bashing threads. They make me hungry.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, I love ‘em, too, for just this reason!

Zaku's avatar

Actually, I think he has a (non-political ;-)) point that it can be weird if you answer a question and the question gets modded, because to the answer-er, it just vanishes from the site with no notification. Is there some way for a person to see their answers that are to questions which are in moderation limbo?

augustlan's avatar

@Zaku There is. If you’ve contributed to a question, you can still access it to see what you wrote. If you can’t get in for some reason, you can always ask a mod to send the text of your answer to you. We’re happy to help!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Now I’m hungry too. Evil duo.

markferg's avatar

LOL! I am wiser for the experience.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@markferg : Get your food on, fella, and you’ll be just fine, here…

Zaku's avatar

@augustlan Oh, I see it, on my profile. Cool. Wow, I’ve posted over 2000 responses! :-)

markferg's avatar

@syz – The problem with your suggestion is that you would have to have remembered the OP after their question is removed. That is beyond my tiny brain. I need all the help I can get to remember all these details.

augustlan's avatar

@markferg You can find it by looking at your own history (answers). You can still access the thread that way, and see who the OP was. They’re free to share why it was moderated, if they like, but we can’t.

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