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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

What is your favorite thing about a raging thunderstorm?

Asked by WillWorkForChocolate (23163points) February 24th, 2011

It’s pouring here and thundering like mad. I love it! I love the smell of it, the sounds of it, and even if it’s a truly vicious storm for some reason it still seems so calming to me.

What’s your favorite thing about storms? Is it the boom of the thunder? The flashes of lightning? The “rain” smells? The sounds of the rain pattering on the ground or lashing the windows? That “cozy” feeling of wanting to snuggle down in bed with a book?

I love it all!

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35 Answers

Jude's avatar


deni's avatar

The wormy smell.

OliverYoung's avatar

I love it because I feel so small.
Being such a small part of everything, yet being everything.
Isn’t the world wonderful? :)

VS's avatar

I like it all, too, but I suppose my favorite part is when my little dog gets scared and wants to be right next to me. If I am not sitting down, she will come and sit on my feet. Yes, ON my feet.

missafantastico's avatar

I think the full sensory experience is what makes a heavy storm enjoyable. To get the ultimate happy factor though you will need the following:

- Storm as mentioned
– 2nd story balcony (with or without screen)
– Wrap around porch (with or without screen)
– Weather proof couch with comfy blankets
– Laptop with extension cord
– Favorite Movie that can play on your laptop
– Warm beverage of your preference

Gently combine and you have a perfect evening or date night.

blueiiznh's avatar

The power of nature!!!!
Love the lightning!
Love the colors and shape of the clouds!
A feeling of stress that is actually a good feeling in the end.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

The thunder.
I also likes how it looks just before a thunder storm. The dark grey clouds and all

erichw1504's avatar

The thunder. The louder, the better.

Soubresaut's avatar

The streaks of lightning dancing across the sky; everything illuminated for an instant by the branching electricity, to then plunge back into the clouded and drenched darkness. : ]

Coloma's avatar

The power is exhilarating! Last year we had a crazy windy TS one afternoon that launced the umbrella off my patio table. lol

I was caught holding the umbrella while the wind practically picked me up and blew me off the deck while holding down the table and umbrella. It was so funny! I was soaked!

Right now I am at my local bakery/coffee house and we are waiting on a major snow storm scheduled to come in this afternoon.

Phones are already down in my canyon and I am prepped and ready for the big one! Woo hoo, bring it on!

ucme's avatar

The end part, me no like :¬(

Bluefreedom's avatar

The smell of the rain is great, the clash of thunder is exciting (and sometimes unnerving), and I think lightning is one of Mother Nature’s most vivid (and oftentimes scary) spectacles.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The pure raw savage power of nature. You know there’s so much energy in one bolt of lightning that it will destroy whatever it hits it produces an adrenaline rush. The beauty of each streak of lightning as it stretches across the sky. And especially the loud snap crack of a very very close strike followed by the immediate explosion of thunder. It kind of sounds like Mother Nature having sex.

MissA's avatar

You all have pretty well nailed it on sensory perceptions. I’m always amazed, too, at how the earth assimilates so quickly, what nature bestows upon her.

faye's avatar

I love all of it, but I guess it’s the sounds. Thunder, rain drops pounding against the windows and roof, the wind howling around my house. Can’t wait for summer.

Coloma's avatar

Just made me think of the creek that runs through my property and carries the overflow for my neighbors huge pond, small lake.

Last week one day I became aware of just how LOUD it has been, raging along with the latest storm.

It’s become so loud you can hear it inside the house, LOUDLY! haha

It’s already widened the creek bed and moved some big granite rocks.

It’s goiing to be rippin’ along after the storrm us west coasters are waiting on right now.

OpryLeigh's avatar

The sound. I love the sound of heavy rain and thunder and howling wind. I’m so jealous of you right now!

MissA's avatar

And what about the snow lightning and thunder?

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@MissA Thunder snow at night is absolutely one of the coolest things ever. The lightning reflects off of all of the snowflakes. It’s an epheremal yellow glow.

Coloma's avatar

Do not go where the huskies go…beware of that yellow snow…

MissA's avatar

A little Frank Zappa here?

wundayatta's avatar

It’s just so dramatic. I love going out on my porch to watch them fly through.The trees are bending over and thrashing back. Sometimes hail comes bouncing into the porch. Sometimes lightning strikes the tree across the street and the flash and the sound come together. How much more exciting could it be? And yet, you’re generally safe in a thunderstorm. Unless there’s a twister, but we rarely get those where I live.

Coloma's avatar


Haha, dredged that up from the ancient archives.
Yes, I think the power of nature activates our dormant primal beings.
I am beside myself with excitement as the latest storm descends on me right now.

filmfann's avatar

I love the feel of electricity in the air. You can feel the charge!

AstroChuck's avatar

Not being in it.

gm_pansa1's avatar

The noise of the thunder and the rain, and trying to take pictures of the lightning only to fail!

JmacOroni's avatar

Lightning. Beautiful lightning makes me swoon. I turn into a little kid again, jumping around, squealing, watching with wide eyes.
Really, nothing in the world makes me happier than a beautiful thunderstorm.

wundayatta's avatar

I can’t tell you how many times I have been caught in a gully washer while riding my bike home from work. The water is pouring down, running five or six inches deep in the gutters. My glasses become nearly opaque with the water. I’m soaked through and through within a minute. I start worrying about what will happen to my bike, but the worst is wondering how my backpack will take it. There have been times when the water leaks in, but there’s also my phone and wallet in my pockets, so I have to stop and put them inside my knapsack.

But then I’m ok. I just submit to the storm (not that I have any choice) and continue to ride, very slowly (since I have no brakes in the wet). I’d love to go tearing home, but I don’t want to run into a car or a person or something.

There’s also the lightning to worry about. I don’t want to ride in the open and I don’t want to ride under sycamore trees. I have seen so many totaled cars in this town because the wind or lightning brings down a heavy, boa constrictor marked branch on the car parked just below. I do not want to be riding under one of those branches when it decides to let loose from the trunk of the tree. Those trees are so brittle and so everywhere around here.

What can I do? I can only submit. Well, I could try to find shelter, but I’m already soaked, so what’s the point? I ride onward, feeling the clammy warmth of the water bunching up my cotton t-shirt. I peer over the top of my glasses, thanking whatever that nature saw fit to evolve me eyebrows—the natural porch roof overhang on my face.

Arriving home, I carry my bike up the steps to the porch, and heave a big sigh of relief. Then I take off as many of my wet clothes as I legally can, before going in. I take off the rest of my clothes, towel off, and then put on dry clothes. I put some newspapers down on the floor where I park my bike, and bring the bike in.

Then I get myself a nice hot toddy.

Well, no. I now have to go get my wife and the kids at their various schools and whatnot. Maybe later. It would probably make me sick, anyway. Maybe tea. Later. Of course, the storm is over just about when I reach my porch.

But it was fun! Like an adventurer. And I feel so tough. Love it!

Earthgirl's avatar

A thunderstorm has this raw power to it that gives me a sense of release. It’s like nature letting loose all of its pent up fury! It feels like a giant lover’s quarrrel. And when the rain gently descends afterwards, and you hear the water trickling from the roof and over the pavement, it’s like the making up after the lover’s quarrel. You feel spent, in a good way.

peridot's avatar

Aww yeah, baby! All of the above! Including being a comfort to any terrified critters in the house. Poor things—with their heightened senses, I can’t even imagine what it’s like for them.

I’m a little envious of those who have experienced snow thunderstorms… sounds like they’re very different from the rainy ones.

MilkyWay's avatar

hmmm, it’s a wonderful opportunity to cuddle up with someone,comfort someone or be comforted and pretend your scared. ; )

wundayatta's avatar

Yikes! @Earthgirl A thunderstorm just went through here. The wind was howling through a crack in my window and the rain was falling almost sideways. I was reading your comment at the same time. I started watching the storm in a completely different way. Storm porn. Who’d a thunk it?

I wonder where it gets its condoms?!?

peridot's avatar

@wundayatta Condom for a storm= raincoat. ba-dum-bum…crash

See, now you’ve got my mind thinking all anthro and dirty, too. (Admittedly, some days it’s a short trip.) Fortunately for us, there are like-minded folks out there. ;)

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