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MilkyWay's avatar

Have you seen the Japanese animation 'Grave of the Fireflies' ?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) February 25th, 2011

Wanted to know if other folks out there have seen this animation.
What are your thoughts on it?

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7 Answers

sarahjane90's avatar

I enjoyed it. It is worth watching if you like anime. It is also quite sad.

heresjohnny's avatar

Yup, seen it. I’m not a huge fan of anime (although I do like Miyazaki, and this was the same animation studio), but I thought it was good. As @sarahjane90 said, it is quite sad. I would definitely recommend it. But bring tissues.

MacBean's avatar

It’s probably my favorite anime of all time. Shattered my poor little heart.

ette_'s avatar

I’ve seen it. I also can’t bring myself to see it again even though I think it’s a wonderful piece of art. It’s too heartbreaking.

muppetish's avatar

The part that really broke me was when Setsuko asks Saita “why do fireflies die so young?” That scene left me an absolute mess. I made it through the rest of the movie with few tears, but it left me feeling very heavy and sad for a long time.

It’s not my favourite by Miyazaki. Porco Rosso, a significantly more light-hearted movie, is my personal favourite.

Rarebear's avatar

It’s one of the best animated movies ever. It’s the only movie in my entire life where I openly wept.

mazingerz88's avatar

I would not be surprised if Grave of the Fireflies is the only animated film ever to evoke such sad emotion and tears from a human being.

I would recommend another great anime that seemed to cross that difficult threshold from mere animation to serious film. The Wings of Honnemise.

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