General Question

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Is it expensive to soundproof residences?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) February 25th, 2011

Such as rowhomes and brownstones, and apartments?
How do you soundproof a home like that?
And why don’t many builders soundproof those structures?

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6 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

It is easy, but there is an extra expense. Some builders plan for the expense, some do not.

How do you do soundproof? It depends on the layout of the buildings. There are ways to do this during the building process with thicker cement/and insulation.

One of my fav products is insulation made from denim fiber. It works really well for sound insulation between levels and sidewalls.

Hobbes's avatar

If I get married and have kids, I’m definitely soundproofing the bedroom.

Axemusica's avatar

Sound proofing is not an easy task. Sound deadening would be appropriate. Deadening the sound is much easier and cheaper in the long run. Sound proofing requires quite a bit of planning before the structure is even built.

Hobbes's avatar


Why? What’s the difference?

Axemusica's avatar

Proofing requires more dead air in between walls as to not let the vibrations of the sounds travel. There for unless you have a room planned to be built inside of an existing room its better to just try and reduce (deaden) the sound then to try and take the sound (proof) out all together.

There’s many different variables to look at when trying to reduce reverberation. One of which would be the most important is: How loud do you plan to be in said room?

My opinion may be a bit biased since I’m looking at this as recording music or as a band practice room. Recording studios are built with many different variables in mind. No central air (mics can pick up the hum sometimes), separate rooms for each instrument, not to mention the recording area is probably surrounded by dead air (e.g. rooms inside of rooms). So, having tried to explain some of this, I doubt you’ll be needing to go to this extreme, but I feel the difference between Proofing & Deadening is quite clear.

Here’s a good rule of thumb. Bass is the loudest frequency. Loudest as in it travels the furthest by vibrating through things. Things like carpet and foam can reduce the traveling of the frequency, but things like walls (which are virtually solid) easily let the vibrations passed it. So, this brings us back to question, how loud do you plan to be?

thenemo1's avatar

If you’re are willing to do thousands of dollars in rehabilitation it’s doable.
I would question the course some take and not use blow in foam as it can be very toxic and has chemicals that are harmful.
Removing wall covering having the walls sound proofed is costly dirty and may require relocating for a couple of weeks.
Not to mention redecorating after the initial rip out and re-sheeting job is complete.
I wouldn’t hire a contractor if I couldn’t see proof of prior work and contract & asking the occupants what they went through both time wise and quality with follow up.
good Luck.

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