Social Question

Jude's avatar

For those of you have a lost a pet, did you go and another pet soon after?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 25th, 2011

For some, maybe, thinking that it would fill that void?

Sorry if I have been sounding morbid, lately. It’s just that I have had one person die earlier in the week, and one now in Palliative. I also had someone who talked about taking their life.

It has been on the brain.

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18 Answers

blueiiznh's avatar

nope. I had to grieve for the loss of the pet before I could consider a new one.
In my case I rescued my Akita as a puppy and had him for over 12 years. It took me 9 months to rescue my new puppy.
Nothing can replace the pet, so when its time you will know.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

After my first dog died when I was 7yrs old, I never wanted a pet again, especially a dog. In my 39’s then someone gave me a rescue dog and I fell in love even when I tried really hard not to get attached because I didn’t want to think about him getting sick, killed or just dying of old age. It’s 10yrs later now and my little guy is still with me, through thick and thin. He was worth waiting for but after he’s gone, I don’t want anymore. I think some hearts just aren’t as resilient as others.

SavoirFaire's avatar

When one of our chinchillas died, we went and got another. But it was less about replacing our pet as it was getting a new playmate for our remaining chinchilla.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m so sorry this is happening. I wish you and your loved ones peace, @Jude.

filmfann's avatar

We lost a cat and 2 dogs in a short period of time. We decided we needed time to recover from the hurt.
It’s been about 5 years, and I still miss them. Now we know we are retiring to a place where dogs and cats get eaten by local wildlife, so we are trying to figure out what to do.

Coloma's avatar

Prior to losing my last old cat last May. No.

He was the last of a group of 4 that had gone at various times over the past 6 years.

He was the only cat for the last 4 years of his life and I wanted him to be.

I adopted a new female teenage kitten several weeks before he died and then another teen male several months later. The two of them have been here for 9 and 5 months now and they are delightful!

I don’t think that extended grieving is healthy. Of course I loved my kitty of 14 years but, I also looked forward to starting over with a new pair.

Spread the love around. ;-)

Soubresaut's avatar

No. I was crushed when my dog died, and then completely trampled when my parakeet died shortly after.
It was about 7–8 months before I got (rescued) a new dog. He’s sweet and wonderful, but I don’t think I waited long enough. I didn’t want another pet, ever, but got lonely… I can feel a part of me—a small part, but still a part—resenting him for being here when my boy isn’t anymore, and I hate myself for feeling that way. Another (small) part won’t stop comparing him, all the different ways he doesn’t measure up.
It’s getting better with time now, and I love him dearly, it’s just still hard. Rubbing sugar into my wound, I guess I’d say.

mrentropy's avatar

No, I still have three left and don’t really have room to take on another. But I never wanted pets to begin with because I don’t deal with their deaths very well.

woodcutter's avatar

I planned on taking a long break after our dog died last spring. I was having a rough go of it and my wife suggested we go ahead and get a pup after about two months. It was a good move for us but I still miss her a lot. The new addition has been a handful.

Pattijo's avatar

The way it has worked for me is that the ( new pets ) have come and found me , after I lost my kitty and puppy .
I still have both of the new pets that came to me .
I feel my pets that passed away sent the new pets to me , sometimes !

I am so sorry for the losses you have been going through , bless you

+ up good question

rooeytoo's avatar

I always have multiples so that when I lose one I still have one to love. We had to put our big Red akita down a couple of weeks ago and it was terrible but I still have my other 2 and that helps a lot! I think it is always good to bring a new one in before the old one goes, it often gives the oldie a new lease on life and you have a furry neck to cry into.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yeah, when my toy poodle Fusi died after 3 miserable days of distemper consequences, I got my second poodle pretty quickly after that. I knew I wanted another pet.

Bellatrix's avatar

No. I waited for about a year I think to get another cat and I didn’t get another dog for years.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I try to not be petless. I grieve over the loss, but after the last one goes, I try to get a new one ASAP, as I don’t do well without a furry critter around. For me, it’s a tribute to the ones gone that they gave me so much joy that I can’t be without.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I am never without a dog. Usually I have a couple of dogs at a time so that when one passes away I still have the other. I find life without a dog very lonely indeed.

Seelix's avatar

I have 2 cats now, and had to have one put down a couple of years ago. We decided that we wouldn’t get any more pets until the remaining two are gone – we’ve achieved a delicate balance that we don’t want to disturb if we don’t have to.

When my family dog died about 15 years ago, my mom said she didn’t want another dog, but she caved in and got a beagle puppy 3 or 4 days later. She works from home and found the place too quiet and lonely without a dog (the beagle sure kept her busy after that!). Over the years we also lost a cat, which was replaced within a couple of months (and joined by another about a year later), and so when the beagle died a couple of years ago, my parents decided not to get another dog. They travel a lot, and now that I’m not living in the city and my sister is in the outskirts, it’s not easy to have someone stay over when they’re out of town. They’ve got their two cats and are happy about it.

That said, I don’t think I could be without a pet for long. I’ve always had pets, and when my two kitties move on, I know I’ll start looking for a couple of kittens pretty soon after. When we moved to Toronto in the summer, we moved in stages, so I was staying here for a weekend alone (the cats and Mr. Fiance were at the old place cleaning up and stuff). It was so quiet and lonely – I don’t think I could do it for long.

faye's avatar

I’ve had pets for so many years that when my last old cat died, I said no more. But my house didn’t feel right so it’s full of pets again.

stardust's avatar

No. When my cat went missing, I felt heartbroken. I’ve not had another pet since.
I’d love a dog down the line, but for now I’ll have to remain petless

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