Are you scared of dying?
Asked by
saraaaaaa (
February 25th, 2011
I know this kind of thing has been asked before, but there are many many new Flutherites since then so I’d like to throw this question once more into the pool…
A simple one…
When you think about dying what kind of emotion if any does it conjure up inside you? Scared? Determined? Indifferent?
To add an anecdote, and help you think; When I was around 5 years old I remember looking through my cousins biology text book during a family visit. One of those times your parents took you out to see relatives and such where there wasn’t really much for you to do and so you were pretty much left to your own devices.
In this instance my own devices involved looking at the pretty pictures of cells and hearts and such until I found a skeleton picture (probably explaining the bones or something), I was fascinated by this image and my cousin caught me staring at it with childish bewilderment and said ‘that’s what you’ll look like one day!’ harsh I know and I was absolutely petrified, I spent the rest of the day crying my heart out and hiding from the grown ups. Death scared the hell out of me. Perhaps because I didn’t fully understand it all, but still a strong and memorable reaction.
I have since grown older and wiser to an extent and when I think about dying I no longer feel scared in the same way, I just feel that I really don’t want to.
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25 Answers
I can honestly say I have no fear of Death. I do worry that I won’t have things in place to make it easy for my wife. I wouldn’t want her to struggle when that day comes.
It makes me nervous that I don’t have everything in the order I should before dying. It makes me sad to think of the people I love missing me. I have been through that. I’m not scared by the fact that I will one day die.
Im not scared of death, nothing to be scared of its a relief of pain emotion and hurt just sleeping no pain no nothing
@LanaEvelynTravers There is a relief of pain to you, but those you leave behind are left with a lifetime of pain. Please think of your loved ones.
No – I am not scared of death or dying. When I was first diagnosed with cancer, at age 5, they told me I wouldn’t make it. I’m 18 and in remission now, but my cancer will eventually come back – and the odds of beating it will be against me. But I’m not afraid of dying. It might sound weird, but I’m more scared of time… or rather, not having enough of it. I might not get to accomplish things in life that I want to, simply because I’ll run out of time. That’s what I’m afraid of.
Fear of the unknown is what comes to my mind and I wander if there is anything after death . So yes I’m a little scared , and the older I get , the more it bothers me .
+ up good question
it’s easy to be fearless if nothing is coming at you at the time, but when that mini van crosses over the center line at 70 mph you will be plenty afraid. If humans we not afraid of dying the entire race would have died out right about the time it began. People will run away from a fire. Why?
Not scared of dying. Scared I might not finish everything before then. There for I’m simply not ready, but not afraid.
I’ll never be afraid of dying.
I say, bring it on! I’ll be waiting, death. Take me to Valhalla, if you got the yarbles.
I’d only be scared of dying if it were to happen in an unfavorable way. If what you mean is am I scared to be dead, then no, not at all.
Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo. (I was not; I have been; I am not; I do not care.)
“Accustom yourself to the belief that death is nothing to us. For all good and evil lie in sensation, whereas death is the absence of sensation. Hence a correct understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not by adding infinite time, but by ridding us of the desire for immortality. For there is nothing fearful in living for one who genuinely grasps that there is nothing fearful in not living. Therefore he speaks idly who says that he fears death not because it will be painful when present but because it is painful in anticipation. For if something causes no distress when present, it is fruitless to be pained by the expectation of it. Therefore, that most frightful of evils, death, is nothing to us, seeing that when we exist death is not present, and when death is present we do not exist. Thus it is nothing to either the living or the dead, seeing that the former do not have it and the latter no longer exist.”
I’m not afraid to die. I would like to be around for my children’s weddings and grandchildren.
I have often thought about what it would be like to die suddenly or die slowly. I think that dying slowly (but not too slowly) would be better. I’d have time to have good conversations with the people I love the most. Although I have those conversations now just in case.
I’ve never been one to be afraid of much of anything. Heights, enclosed spaces, spiders, snakes, etc. I have never had a problem with. Even death at first. But when I was 17, I don’t know what prompted it, but I literally was laying in bed waiting to fall asleep when I sat up in a cold sweat and thought to myself “Oh my god, I’m going to die some day and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it”.
For a few weeks, it was literally all I could think about. Every one I saw or talked to, I would think to myself “yup, they’re gonna die someday, too”. I thought about it constantly, even while I was doing other things. I tried to get it off my mind but as soon as I was done with something and had time to think, it would pop into my mind and not leave. This sort of went away, or at least diminished after a few weeks. The past few years, it happens every now an then. A few months ago there was another strong recurrence, and I even took a class at my university called “Psychology of Death and Bereavement”, partly to try to alleviate this. It helped somewhat, but I’m still terrified of it. I usually think about it when, again, I’m laying in bed waiting to fall asleep. Maybe I’ve associated the act of sleeping or laying in bed with dying/laying in a coffin, or something.
Long story short, I have come to terms with it for the most part, I know it’s going to happen, but it still scares the hell out of me.
Not scared of death…...concerned more on how I’m going to die…
I’m scared of dying, because it’s prolly gonna hurt like hell. I’m not scared of being dead, in fact the thought of such sometimes helps me get through my day. (lame, irony,wtv) I just hope God doesn’t exist though.
I can’t remember who said this originally…
When I die I want to go quietly, in my sleep, just like my grandfather. Not shouting and screaming, like the passengers in his car…
The idea of death makes me feel calm and peaceful. My life has been rather amazing compared to what I expected it to be. I would prefer not to go in pain and agony, but that’s not something I can control. If religious beliefs turn out to be true, then I’m in trouble. I almost always tried to be good, but I didn’t always succeed.
I am not scared of death. I think once I am gone, that’s it. I don’t relish the process of dying though for myself but very much more for my family though. I don’t want a long drawn out death that is painful for them. I also worry about dying before my children are really old enough to have their lives in order. I was an orphan at 23 and I think that’s too young to not have your parents. I don’t want to leave my children while they are still quite young. I worry about leaving my partner too. I don’t want him to be alone. Other than that though… I am not worried about death itself.
Death itself doesn’t scare me but dying in a painful way does.
The death of my loved ones scares me more than anything in the world.
I was scared a bit when I was little… I didn’t understand what would happen. I was taught that death was the end, and I didn’t know what the end meant. I couldn’t understand it except in a distanced way, so it scared me.
I got older and it didn’t. I was glad that life wasn’t infinite—geez that would be a long time; thank God it wasn’t eternal.
I got older again and realized there were some things I would rather die than not have. Living without them was more terrifying than the thought of death, and so death then became like a warm friend to run to if it all came tumbling down.
I lost the main thing in that list I made, but as soon as it was gone so was my passion to live in passion. I didn’t care, about anything… And then I hated death, because I realized it wasn’t really in my control, wasn’t there for me, just this thing that would come whenever it did. The hate and the powerlessness against it gave me back some fear—but it’s confusing because I still don’t want to live for eternity, and there’s nothing in between.
Always, though, I’ve been scared of how I would die. Being shot or being choked sound pretty awful, but I’m more scared of burning live, slowly stabbed or stung or bitten to death, lava.
I’m not scared of death, just dying (who knows how I’m going to go!). I have seen someone die before my eyes and it wasn’t pretty.
Dying is the hard part, once that’s over, you’re homefree!! I’d like to see my kids all happy and settled before I go.
I’m not now because I’m young, but when it gets closer then I may start to get scared. Hopefully I’ll have a strong faith. Who knows.
I am not scared of death, but like many others, worry about how it will happen.
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