General Question

Should I quit my job?
I work as a part-time (30 hrs/wk) bank teller making $11/hr and I’ve been there since October of 2010. Before that, I didn’t work for a year because I was a full time nursing student. Before that, I was a receptionist at an eye clinic for a little over a year. Before that, I was a hostess/server for a year. I’m a 21 year old female and a full time undergrad student (psychology and business major).
I’m currently at a technical school and last week I got my acceptance letter to the 4-year university I’ll be attending to get my BA. Right now I go to school at night, but at the university I’ll be going during the day. You can’t work at a bank at night, obviously, so I’ll have to quit by August of this year and find another part time nights/weekends job, where I plan to stay until I graduate.
My problem is this: I can’t stand my job. The pressure I’m under as a teller is really messing with me and I’m starting to make mistakes at work that cause even more stress. In one transaction, there are a million things a teller can do wrong, and never having worked in banking, I’ve been doing things wrong even though I’m paying attention. I know I haven’t been there long and I’m still learning, but I have a teller leader from hell that constantly barks at us. We NEVER get any positive feedback, even when we’re doing great, and she obviously wants us gone. She didn’t want management to hire young tellers and they ended up hiring a 20 year old and a 22 year old…so she’s bitter, to say the least.
This woman has chased away quite a few tellers and everyone in the branch knows she’s a problem. Luckily, she’s out on sick leave for the next three months, so things have been better. However, today I got caught up in a mistake I made that is a compliance issue. I was told by loss prevention that I probably won’t lose my job over it, but I’m still worried. I CAN’T get fired. I don’t want that on my record, and I don’t want to have to omit a bank job from my resume. That will look good for my next part-time job, as it will most likely involve cash handling. I’d much rather quit and explain to my future employer that it was a stress issue than get let go for something like this.
The stress of school on top of being at a job I dislike is really getting to me. I get go to work around 9 AM and don’t get home until after 9PM during the week and it’s just too much. I always thought it was stupid to leave a job without having another one, but while working at the bank I have NO time to apply for another job, let alone go to an interview.
I have money saved up and my fiance just landed a great job where he’s making $6/hr more than his last job, so it’s not money I’m worried about. I’m just thinking: what if I can’t find a job? Will it ruin my chances of finding work because I was only at the bank for 5 months? etc.
I just don’t know what to do anymore. School is a higher priority, but I don’t want to be stupid about this. I would just like some unbiased advice, because my fiance supports everything I do because he loves me. I want to know what those who DON’T love me think about this.

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