What is something about your significant other that you admire?
Asked by
raven860 (
February 25th, 2011
What is something about them that you are proud of?
What is something about them that impresses you?
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17 Answers
He has passed , though what I admired about him was his ablity to communicate with others , his personality and that when he made a promise , he would keep it and he would keep his word also .
+ up good question
How much he supports me no matter what.
How he has been able to advance his career in a way that supports our family. It was hard work and I am very proud of him.
His ability to move forward after making a “mistake.”
His ambition and focus.
His blacky wavy beautiful thick hair. (Actually I hate him for it).
There is so much I admire about him: his ability to remain calm when I can’t, his ability to see the good in people first where I expect more, the way he parents, his ginormous brain and scope of knowledge, his incredible vocal and musical talents, his ability to conceptualize and follow through on various random projects from building a sustainable car to making apple butter. I’m always proud of him, always.
Hir skill at cutting to the real cause of things and to come up with direct solutions. That zie is always true to hir beliefs as long as they’re backed by logic. Zie’s pretty damn smart. ...amazing dancer…beautiful soul…and managing to work a job zie hates just to keep the rest of us clothed and fed.
I admire her taste in men.
I’m proud of the fact that change never scares him. He’s always ready for the next challenge.
What impresses me is what an incrediably good heart he has. He wasn’t raised as a christian and yet he has acted in more ways as a christian than some so called Bible thumpers. It is a rare thing to see him dislike someone. And even when he does, he doesn’t give it much thought. He would still help his enemy out if they asked for his help.
My new BF’s his own boss and he runs a great office with great employees. Whenever I go visit him at work before banging in the back room I notice the great ambiance there, complete with a fruit bowl and puppy. They all seem to have a great time there under my man’s employ.
He is so observant. He notices everything around him. He is also very emotionally mature. Which is great when I need sensible advice or someone to ground me.
My hubby is the strongest, smartest person I’ve ever known. He cares for me no matter what, even when i’m a moody mare because I’m having a bad day. He’s always in my corner, always on my side. I love that he served an apprenticeship for seven years and then worked in his industry for a lot more before that industry ceased (like many others) to exist. He picked himself up and went off to find another trade, and has worked his way up in that too. He’s kind, has a heart the size of a planet, he calms a room just by being in it, he has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen (and they still make me melt after all these years), and he loves me. I can’t be the easiest person to love, with all the marbles I have loose, but he loves me anyway. I’m grateful for every day I share with him.
He’s always up for giving things a go and won’t say he can’t do something unless he has really tried. He’s also the most driven man I know and if he puts his mind on something the results are usually awesome. I wish I was more like him in that sense. I often feel so unmotivated compared to him!
Also, he can strike up a conversation with anyone and he never acts superior. He’s very modest.
Shit. I love that man!
I admire the respect and support my wife has given me for many, many years. Through the good and bad times, she has been there to support me, no matter what.
Its hard to find a person like this today.
Leanne, great answer. This is exactly what i meant in my answer.
So many things! He’s adventurous and spontaneous, always planning trips and fun, wild, off-the-cuff things to do. I’ve had so many life experiences with him that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I’ve picked up new interests from him, like biking and playing guitar, without sacrificing any of my own. Plus, he’s totally up for it when I want to do stuff like get high and go to the aquarium in the middle of the day.
He’s smart, in a way that’s totally opposite and complimentary to the way that I’m smart. He easily reads people and situations, knows just how to put people at ease and get everyone talking to each other.
He’s responsible for his own success. He put himself through school and is now doing well financially and career-wise because he made the right decisions. Now that I’ve been laid off, he’s given me some great advice and helped me with my job search.
He’s sweet. Every time we have a fight, he’s the first one to extend the olive branch.
Thanks for this question, because sometimes I totally don’t give my BF enough credit. I’m going to ravish him with kisses when I see him tonight.
He’s amazing in a crisis. His ability to think quickly through a situation when the pressure is on is incredible. His gift with languages is quite amazing. His native language is Norwegian, but he gets by with (the other Scandinavian languages are free… so I won’t mention them) German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and, of course, English. He’s the smartest person I know and is always curious about new things. He’s extremely well read and gives me books he thinks I’ll find interesting. AND the weirdest thing, is he can buy me shoes… I don’t try them on, he just brings them home, I put them on and poof they fit. Damnedest thing.
Her impeccable taste in men, her sense of humour & of course, her marvellous breasts :¬)
My wife is extremely perceptive, and can pick someone trying to rip you off long before I can. She is also very good at handling money- I don’t even know what is going on mostly, and I like it that way. Maybe she’s just smarter than me…..........
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