Social Question

CarterChen's avatar

What is the most important aspect of your life?

Asked by CarterChen (123points) February 25th, 2011

What’s the most important aspect of your life after you have experienced family, friendship, love, etc.? Please write it in order from most important to less important and WHY?

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11 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

The most important aspect of my life is to be a voice for those that can’t advocate for themselves and to move this world forward. This includes being the best parent I can be to my two children.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My sobriety, because without it I have nothing.

seazen's avatar

Easy: my kids.

Bellatrix's avatar

After my family, friends, work… (in that order)...

My ability to laugh at myself and not take myself too seriously
My independence
My creativity and intellect (on a par really. They are both equally important).
The freedom to do pretty much anything I really want financially
Financial security
The ability to travel

Gosh this is hard! I can’t think of anything else right now although I am sure there are lots of things.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Peace of mind.

The only this I truly have.

It can never be lost or taken.
It can only be given away or exchanged
for nonsense, misery, angry ghosts
and demons.

coffeenut's avatar

I can’t make that list….It is constantly changing…
It could go from…Getting a coffee, to taking someone to the hospital, to having a cigarette, to helping someone, to finding a bathroom before it’s too late… And so on…

Jude's avatar

My sanity
Family, Girlfriend, friends, pets

Starburst's avatar

my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

12Oaks's avatar

Not sure about most important, but my least important aspect is friendship. I had them before, but no need for that stuff now so I just don’t really participate in all that.

Scooby's avatar

Humour….. :-/
To laugh until I cry………“It is a curious fact that people are never so trivial as when they take themselves seriously.”

Earthgirl's avatar

My intimate relationships (including close friends) and my need to express myself creatively

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