Why don't I have any focus?
When I wake up every morning, regardless of how much sleep I get, I am exhausted. I eat healthy, I exercise and I even take vitamins.
When someone is talking to me, I can’t focus on what they are saying. I try really hard but I have a lot of difficulty paying attention.
It feels like I have no energy to do the things I want to do, let alone NEED to do. I go to bed at 10 p.m, wake up at around 8 a.m and by 6–7 p.m, I’m exhausted and barely able to keep my eyes open.
Emotionally, I’m at an extreme low or I’m just okay. I don’t think I ever get truly depressed, though, but I am usually feeling down and constantly worried, whether there is something to worry about or not.
I don’t really have any focus, and I can never complete a task because I’m either too tired or I get distracted by other things I need to do. Is this just me being lazy? Is there something I can do?
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11 Answers
I eat healthy, I exercise and I even take vitamins….
You may seriously need to see a doctor. You may have some kind of attention deficit disorder.
On one hand, it might not be anything serious. When I first started working right out of college, I was exhausted all the time for a couple months, then I had adjusted. Are you doing anything new your body isn’t used to?
On the other hand, this could be something wrong with you physically. A friend of mine was always tired, and it turned out he had sleep apnea. Being tired is a symptom of sleep apnea because those with it are constantly being woken up as they sleep as air is restricted to their lungs due to a much smaller windpipe opening than most people, coupled with the physical relaxation of sleep that literally “chokes you out.” This is a serious condition as you might potentially suffocate in your sleep. He had to have surgery on his jaw to correct this. I would ask your health professional.
You need to see your physician for a complete work-up. You could be anemic or it might be something else.
It could be depression, which can have physical symptoms.
Can you loosely define eating healthy?
Well, for the past couple of years I’ve been on a routine with what I do and eat, so nothing different has happened. I have been feeling like this ever since I can remember, which is why I always had bad grades. (Never did homework but I got straight A’s on every test.) I wake up, eat a couple eggs and a bowl of oatmeal, do yoga, lunch I usually have grilled chicken and some fruit and dinner I have a meat/veggie wheat sandwich and a small salad. I rarely drink soda, mainly juice and water for me. My meals definitely vary but that’s the basic structure haha. In between meals, I sometimes snack on veggies or granola bars.
I did go to my doctor a while back and was told to change my diet (which led me to the diet I’m on now.) I never had the money to go back in and tell doc “hey, this isn’t working. What now?” I’m not sure how much genetics come into play, but my father had OCD and depression, and my mom is bi polar.
I think it’s very important to tell your doctor that his prognosis isn’t working, I think he would want to know. If you are uninsured or not sure if your insurance will cover it, ask him about the money thing before hand. Nearly all doctors will work out a payment plan and a reduced total if you are paying them personally, since they never fully collect from the insurance companies anyway. If you value your health and your life I would highly suggest this route, as difficult as it might seem at the moment.
I’m uninsured, but I’m going to work on it as soon as I get enough money.
Are you stressed? When I am very stressed I find it hard to focus and stress can play havoc with your physical self too. I do think you need to see a doctor and make sure there isn’t something physically wrong. Other than that, what are you doing for your spiritual self? I don’t mean religious here but rather the inner you that needs some nurturing? Try making sure you build some time for fun into your life. See friends, go for a walk… make time to smell the roses. If it is a stress thing, things like this might help. Do, do see a doctor though.
It could be stress, actually, but like I said, it has been going on for a while. I am easily stressed, though, so I’m definitely not going to rule that one out. As for spirituality, I’m not a particularly spiritual person. I have my little beliefs that can’t be fit into religion, but it’s not a huge part of my life. It’s just something I’ve established with myself and that was all I needed. (Strange, I know.) I suppose I should do more meditating and make room for fun. I had to grow up quickly at a young age, so allowing myself some play-time might be a refreshing change.
Thank you, I am going to try to see a doctor asap. You were all very helpful :)
I was using the term spiritual in a very broad sense. I’m an athiest but I think we need to take care of our inner self and often we forget to do that. We get SO wound up with everything that is going on, we forget to make time for “me”. Good luck with the doctor AND the playtime. Let us know how you go.
Ah, thank you. Will do. :)
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