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jca's avatar

What are some goodie bag ideas for a 4 year old's birthday party?

Asked by jca (36062points) February 26th, 2011

My daughter is turning 4 and I am planning her party.

What are some things I can use as a container, instead of a traditional bag?

What are some things I can put in the bag or other container as giveaways?

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13 Answers

BarnacleBill's avatar

Kitty or Puppy In My Pocket, small ball, some sort of novelty candy, like the things that look like gummy hamburgers.

Does the party have a theme? How many children are you having? Family Fun magazine online has lots of great party ideas. We did their cave kids party and papier mached dinosaur eggs with favors in them.

You can use paper towel tubes and cover them with paper to look like holiday crackers. Or, instead of a party bag, do a party craft that the children can take home. Making necklaces with beads, paper dolls, etc. can all take the place of the party bag.

You could make a big batch of homemade playdough and send some home with kids in plastic containers.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Go to the discount aisle in the front of Target, and they usually have some kind of container – a bucket, basket, Chinese take-out containers, something.

Or, purses.

jonsblond's avatar

You can find really cute baskets right now with Easter around the corner. They don’t all have eggs and rabbits on them. You can find some with butterflies or baseballs.

You can’t go wrong with bubbles and Playdough with 4 year olds. Throw in some sort of noise maker, stickers and gum. They’ll be thrilled.

casheroo's avatar

what’s the theme?
you could do a chinese take out box instead of a traditional bag…but it really depends on your theme.

Crossroadsgrl's avatar

Dollar store stuff.. Based on the theme
Stickers candies bouncing balls etc

augustlan's avatar

I usually try to match the theme. For instance, one of my kids had a ‘garden party’ for her 5th birthday, and I used little planters and put in packs of seeds and stuff. We also had the kids decorate a take-home cup and then plant a flower in it, for an activity.

Another of my kids was born near Halloween, so we used those plastic jack-o-lantern buckets for goodie bags one time.

perspicacious's avatar

Whistles—parents love that!!

cazzie's avatar

This last year, my son turned 6 and I put goodie bags in a piñata and they all took turns smashing at it until the bags fell out. It was a big ‘hit’.. hahaha.

I’ve also made cookies and put them in those windowed envelops for CD’s.

It’s spring soon, how about a little terracotta pot with either sunflower seeds to grow or those fast growing sprouts. My son loves growing sprouts in cotton wool, clipping them off and putting them in a salad or on a sandwich.

Another year, when the kids were quite little and I had the party at my house, I gave them glue and a bunch of paper to rip and a ‘pre-cut- Christmas tree of paper to decorate. (my son’s birthday is in late November) so each child had a Christmas decoration to bring home with them.

filmfann's avatar

a bottle of Soap Bubbles with the wand (I can’t for the life of me remember the name)
maybe the bag could be a small plastic bucket with a shovel for playing in a sand box

(Yes, I grew up a long time ago)

marinelife's avatar

Rats! @augustlan beat me to it. I was thinking that is is spring and you could use small flowerpots as the containers and include a packet to seeds.

sakura's avatar

there are some good ideas on this website
how about:
Clear or printed cellophane bags tied with ribbon
Colorful paper sacks for goodie bags
Paper bags tied with helium balloons
Bandana used as a goodie bag tied around party favors
Chinese take out boxes
Small plastic containers
Plastic cups with lids
Flower pot (fill with seed packets)
Beach Pail / Plastic Bucket
Tea Cup – for Tea party birthday themes
Upside down hat
Make up cosmetic bags
Small Treasure chest
Plastic caddys
(thanks to this site)

cak's avatar

The biggest hit I’ve had is something from the dollar section of Target. They usually have some type of small terra cotta pot with seeds and dirt round included and I give those with candy. I write the name on the pot with a gold or silver sharpie.

Other than that, I I give small sketch books with pencils or crayons. And the old staple, bubbles!

MissAusten's avatar

My son just had a birthday party with a Harry Potter theme. Each guest was given a Harry Potter plastic cup filled with goodies. (HP bookmark, ring pop, toy glider, pencil, stickers)

My daughter once had a cooking themed party, and each guest took home a measuring cup filled with kid-sized cooking utensils, recipe cards, and homemade candies.

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