Meta Question

Did you know we'll give you a 'pass' on the writing standards, if you have a temporary disability? And would you kindly send your best wishes to Jeruba?
As far as I know, this is the first time this situation has ever come up.
Jeruba, usually one of the best writers among us, has just broken her right arm. She has asked for permission to use txtspk and imperfect typing while she heals. Rather than deprive Fluther of her wonderful contributions for the duration, we’ve granted her request. Please be patient with her, jellies!
If a similar fate befalls another jelly, we’ll be happy to do the same. Please let me know if any of you are ever in need of such a pass. Thanks!
In the interest of saving Jeruba from having to type out an explanation, here’s what happened:
As some of you are aware, Jeruba is already on crutches and in a cast for a broken foot. While attending the ballet yesterday (a wonderful performance of Swan Lake), she managed to navigate the stairs to and from her excellent balcony seat several times. After the show, however, disaster struck. Going down the steps for the final time, her right crutch missed a step, and down she went. Pirouetting on her left crutch, she spun completely around, fell down with all her weight on her right wrist, and tumbled down several additional stairs. The helpful lady ~ below her kindly stepped aside and let her fall.
She said it struck her as so ridiculous that she ended up lying there laughing so hard, and for so long, that others around her began to suspect a head wound! Happily, her brain is just fine. :)
At the ER, she had the docs remove her leg cast (she only had a week and a half to go), since she could no longer use the crutches. She is home now, drugged up to the gills and trying to rest.
Side note: Jeruba broke her foot while doing Yoga, and has now broken her arm at the ballet. Maybe she ought to try skydiving…