Have you ever been bitten by a venomous spider or snake or anything?
I haven’t. My sister was bitten by a water moccasin once, though….
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26 Answers
Yes I have been bitten by both a Black Widow spider and also a scorpion.
Did you get sick and die @Summum? Were you scared?
I was biten on the hand both times and this didn’t cause me to die though I have and was brought back. The black widow was the worst. My entire arm turned purple and was really swollen. I had to go to the hospital for this one. The scorpion wasn’t much more than a hornet sting.
I have not been bitten, but I once had a black widow crawling up my bare leg while I was driving. Fortunately, we had a bunch of napkins in the glove box. Once it got on top of my shorts, I was able to pull them away from my body and squish it with a thick stack of napkins. That was one of the more frightening moments of my life since I had no idea whether it was possible to survive a bite. I’m glad I didn’t have to find out.
I didn’t even know poisonous spiders lived in that part of the country until I had that one on me.
I’m not sure if Wolf Spiders count as “venemous”, but I’ve been bitten by them several times. It really starts to itch desperately, then it throbs and starts to go sort of numb. When it’s happened, I’ve taken the remedy form of spider venom and the symptoms clear up within 30 minutes or less.
@WillWorkForChocolate Sounds venomous to me! Now, pray tell, why have you’ve been bitten so many times? Are they lurking in your thong drawer?
I haven’t, but one of our cats was bitten by a rattlesnake and lived to meow the tale.
Groan! Man, @crisw…was the snake small, or had it recently bitten something? I can’t imagine something as small as a cat surviving.
I’ve been stung by a scorpion as well as had more than a couple of bee stings.
Technically, I have also been bitten by a rattlesnake. However, I had no reaction. It was a baby not even old enough to have its rattle (actually at that age they are more venomous than they are when full grown). It bit my finger, but its fang penetrated just below the first layer of skin (kind of like sticking a needle just under the skin where you don’t really feel it). It hung there for a couple of seconds until I realized that I might have something to worry about. Fortunately for me, no adverse reaction at all.
My sister had no adverse reaction to the moccasin bite either. The doctor said it had most likely bitten something else recently and hadn’t built up its venom supply again.
I have had spider bites but nothing that produced an extreme reaction.
I also live in rattlesnake territory and have had several encounters, including stepping on a baby on a river trail last summer!
It was a narrow, grass lined trail and the snake slithered into the edge of the grass and coiled up rattling away. I literally jumped over that spot on my way back and it was still there rattling 20 minutes later!
I also saved my cat from a bite by blasting another BIG (3 footer ) rattler in my yard with the garden hose a couple of summers ago that had my cat frozen in the weeds.
So far so good!
The WORST bite I ever had was from a ‘dead’ squirrel that came to life and attacked me. Bit through the knuckle joint of my index finger.
The cat had it and I thought it was dying, so…. put it in my shower wrapped in a towel to let it go in peace.
A half hour later when I opened the shower door it launched itself at me and latched on to my finger.
Seriously painful!
Tetanus shot, antibiotics and a heightend appreciation for the power of rodent teeth. lol
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Don’t Komodo dragons bite their victims and then follow them around for a few days til they drop dead from the venom? Aaaagh…..
I have been stung by a wasp. Does that count?
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LOL, my, you’re on a creativre writing streak this morning! Very good!
Well, @Coloma What was the final word on the squirid? Did it live? Did it run like a mad thing around your house?
@noelleptc LOL! Yes, @partyparty actually, wasps do count. I’ve been stung 3 times…hurts! Today a lot of people would probably call 911! Well, we didn’t call 911 even when my sister was bitten by the moccasin….because it wasn’t invented yet! We rushed her to the hospital 40 miles away ourselves.
I ‘swept’ it out of the house with a broom and a bloody finger.
It ran off, after that I don’t know, evil little nutcracker! lol
@Dutchess_III Not in the thong drawer, no, as you know that I rarely wear panties these days… Actually I spend a lot of time outside in the summer, either playing with the kids, or lounging on the patio, reading and reading and reading. It’s usually when I’m reading that I get bitten, lol. Perhaps I shouldn’t read while outside anymore…
We never saw the snake, but we assume it was small. It also probably didn’t give her a full dose of venom. She was very lucky; cats have a much lower snakebite survival rate than dogs.
Actually, come to think of it, I was envenomated once by a dead marine catfish. I was cleaning a tank at the pet store where I used to work and scooped out the dead fish, which couldn’t have been more than 2 or 3 inches long. It was tangled in the net so I pulled it out. I had no idea it had venomous spines and got stuck by one. My arm swelled up and burned and went numb in spots for hours. I got pretty peeved that the manager hadn’t informed me that it was venomous!
yes, when I was an adolescent, I was sunning myself like an idiot near a woodpile. When I turned over, a startled brown snake bit me. Luckily a neighbor was pegging out his washing and knew somthing happened and called the fire brigade, I was airlifted to a major medical center, was given anti venom. it took a really long time to get well. As it was a juvenile snake, the venom was more concentrated, ( I found out later).
When I was in college, and just moving in to a new apartment, there was a ginormous spider in my bedroom. When I tried to evict the bugger, he hid on me. That night, while I was sound asleep, he/she came into my bed and bit me right on the lip. Perhaps the spidy liked me and was just giving me a kiss. Somehow, I think not. Well, my lip swelled up, almost touching my eyebrow, and lasted a few days. It was pretty scary!
I’m still processing ‘almost touching my eyebrow’.
Quite the visual you’ve presented. LOL
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