Our favorite cancer advocate --not what she's known for here, are you guessing, yet?--- Simone has reached 30K! How about some big "wows" for that?
Never sure how to define her, so I’ll try passionate, educated, interesting and all around FABULOUS! Congrats, Simone de Beauvoire!
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107 Answers
Woot! Way to go! I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Congratulations Simone!
Congratulations – You’ve officially brought sexy back. ;-)
My hats and pants off to you.
(you got like three parties – did you know that?)
Wow, she’s on three different threads!
Oy, I loved FPCB’s one too, @JilltheTooth as I do yours! I feel like I threw him his 10K one back when he was growing up and I was drooling all over him, inappropriately. Oh and it’s De Beauvoir – took me forever to learn how to spell it too.
You people are fast as hell!
Congratulations Simone!! =D
You should come “party” at my place to celebrate ;)
I had a pretty good write-up about Simone going in my own question until you stole my thunder, @JilltheTooth >:-(
Just kidding! Congratulations to @Simone_De_Beauvoir . one of only two Flutherites who I have maxed out my lurve on, apparently!
And you did indeed throw me one hell of a 10k party. I remember it quite fondly.
I think this one beat the others to the punch. Darn. I was asking @Simone_De_Beauvoir should my congrats be an inch or two longer?
She’s wonderful. Opinionated and outspoken. I think she’s great. Congrats, my friend!
I’ve had two weeks of absolute hell and I am finally smiling, grinning, from ear to ear – sometimes it’s good to spend some time with my Fluther friends and leave those other ones behind.
Congratulations @Simone_De_Beauvoir! It’s good to see that you’ve lasted so long. Tell Alex that it’s his night to take the kids so you can come party with us! ;)
@KatawaGrey Wish I could but it’s date night so mom took the kids, lol. We’re going out to dinner in about 10 minutes. I didn’t know ETPro was going to go ahead and make my day with that penis question so I didn’t plan ahead, you know?
A big, giant WoW and Congrats on such an incredible feat!
There’s a penis question?
I think that you’re amazing and have never known anyone quite like you.
The world is a better place because you’re in it. Truly.
Congrats, Simone!
All right, ya’ll, I’m out for now but will be back later – don’t start anything naughy without me..not even if @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard pulls out all his rifles..I mean, really.
That’s where the real party started.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir, this is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for fightin’ this is for fun… if ya catch my drift.
Congratulations 30k! Sit back, relax, and have fun.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Congrats to one of my fluther favs! You are one of the people who make this site so great!
Congratulations! 30K lurve? Clearly she came to stay!
Nothing ambiguous about her ethics, though.
Congratulations on 30k. Your posts are always intelligent and passionate.
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Congrats, Simone! I’ve learned so much from you. :D
WOW!!! is that big enough for ya?
Congratulations to a great mommy and a hell of a woman.
Yay! @Simone_De_Beauvoir is one of the people whose recent activity I often track to find all the best questions. In my book, that means you’re cool. ;)
Congrats to one of the members of the all powerful Lesbian Triumvirate of Fluther. You know you’re my sea sistah!
Congratulations, you wonderful person!
Yeah yeah, hip hip hooray!
You deserve the biggest of parties!
\o/ HooRay Congratulations!
What more can I say
\o/ HooRay Hope you enjoy your partay
\o/ HooRay To one great Jellie!:-D
Thanks for all the good times and insights. Congratulations!
Congrats, congrats, congrats @Simone_De_Beauvoir! I can honestly say that you’re one of my favorites here, and I always love reading your responses. I’m so glad that you’ve been around long enough to make it to this point, and I really hope that you stick around here for a long time! :D
Muy congrats! I can’t imagine a Fluther without you. :)
Congratulations @Simone_De_Beauvoir !
I have learned a lot from you. Things that I didn’t even know that I didn’t know!
Best wishes and I hope you had fun on your “date night”!
Congrats to one of my all time favorite jellies!! @Simone_De_Beauvoir throws the best parties. We’ve got @iamthemob with his pants off, something about a penis question going on, and the night is still young. No telling what will happen next.
Congratulations on 30k! Fantastic!
Hey everyone! Thanks so much – we had a good time at dinner and it’s soon off to bed for me – Ark is starting pre-school tomorrow so…need sleep, lol.
@chyna @Jude Oh, I wish…because I had cervical biopsy on Saturday, I can’t have sex for a week. Wow, that’s a downer on a wonderful thread.
Congratulations to a person that I like very much. I always look forward to your posts (and photos!)
Passionate, committed, queer and takes no shit from anyone – you are one in a million @Simone_De_Beauvoir ! It is a pleasure to cal you friend and to share Fluther with you.
Mazel Tov!
Simone is one of the reasons I stay at Fluther. She’s irascible and funny, She lives on the far fringe of social conventions, and she has a great heart—caring for the world like it is her baby.
And she dances Tango, too! Gotta love a dancer! Actually, I married one.
Congratulations, Simone. You are a favorite of the community, and it shows with the lurve you’ve gotten.
Congratulations, Simone! Love your compelling and insightful responses. You have made this site richer by your contributions. Thank you.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Congratulations on 30K. It is a testament not only to the wit and wisdom of your discourse here, but your willingness to put up with the rest of us. You are one of my favorite people here. If I had the courage of my convictions, I could almost copy your profile and adopt it as mine. But I’ve never found the willpower to switch to being a vagan. I fall short here and there, but think you are so right-in. Thanks for sharing yourself so openly on Fluther. You brighten my days (and nights).
Congrats on the 30k . You just got a bit stronger. Simone De Freakin’ Beauvior! ;-)
You always add wisdom and color to the discussion. Thanks.
30-fucking-K? Wow. Sure goes by fast. :P
Always been one of my favorite users (even back on wis.dm!) We rarely disagree on anything. :D One of the best (actually probably the best) queer voices on this site.
Good interesting and intelligent job Simone :)
I ALWAYS look forward to reading your viewpoint on so many issues large and small.
You’re one in a million, Simone, and your 30K is truly impressive.
Congrats !
CONGRATULATIONS!!! WAY TO GO!!! Everyone else beat me to all of the compliments that I would have given you. So… just go re-read what they said and pretend that I said it! ;) I look forward to your comments in whatever thread you appear.
A quick “favorite Simone” thing. Often when a user comes in with a rude and generalized agenda, KatawaGrey and I have to laugh at the idea that “S/he’s taking on Simone? Really?” And the popcorn comes out…
Huge congrats, Simone!!!!!
BTW, we totally Drink. Your. Milkshake.
Thank you guys! – you continue to make my day!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Congrats on the 30K. I think the luck runs both ways. We’ve been very lucky to have your presence here. I’ve learned at least a few lifetimes of knowledge from my discussions with you. For that, Thank You.
Uh oh I almost missed the party. Congratulations, @Simone_De_Beauvoir! 30K is a tremendous milestone. it is a mark of how valued your contribution to this site is. I always enjoy your posts even when we—very occasionally—disagree. You are full of heart and passion that shines through in your writing.
You know I don’t know if you guys kept all my haters at the door or something (nice bodyguarding!) but this thread is full of only nice things.
You want I should go find some haters to round it out?
Congratulations @Simone_De_Beauvoir ! A question becomes valid when it receives an answer from you :-)
WOW indeed WOW Congratulations on the 30K!!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir : I may be late to the party, but I brought plenty of Hawaiian aloha with me. Have a hearty “Ho’omaikai!”
Congratulations! Your answers always add something thoughtful to the debate, and usually leave me thinking, “damn, I wish I’d thought of that.” Your input makes Fluther great. :)
Ooh. Congratulations! Well deserved.
You all envy me, I know because I’ve met her in person!
An amazing contribution to this community… I cannot envisage EVER getting that much lurve. Well done Simone. You really did earn all the admiration.
Something to bring me out of fluther hiatus! As you know, I adore that fluther introduced me to you and yours. It is safe to say you have shaped this place for the good, I raise my glass to you dear one, you are wrong in all the right ways!
i’m just glad my most favourite flutherite is everybody else’s, i think you folks are lucky to have her x
Six days, 96 responses, and the only dirt is you smell? What’s with al the niceness? Must be a pretty special peep Simone.
Damn, I was out of town and didn’t see this.
Well done!
@bob_ I wondered where you were!
@bob_ Jealous! I hope you paid homage to that bar by Trafalgar that I once peed on.
Yay! Congratulations lovi!
@bob_ I’m almost never on Fluther.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Hoooo baby! Welcome to the island! I wish I was still there, it just got a hell of a lot more fun. There’s only two of us where I am.
Well, I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again. You’re one of the big reasons why I enjoy fluther so much. Your advocacy efforts are something I admire a lot. Your life style choices, your honesty, your feminism, hell—even the fact you’re Russian (the first time I fell in love was in the USSR).
You express your thoughts and opinions clearly and succinctly. You think things through well, and when I fuck up, you are always very gracious (which is really nice :-)
Anyway, enjoy the island. There are all kinds of cabana and pool boys wherever you go. The sand is a beautiful white. You can sleep in a hammock on the beach or in a room, and do whatever you want. It is devoted to virtual island luxury, and it’s entirely free! You can share it with anyone you want. There is endless space and pristine water and it’s always sunny, except when it rains.
And like I said, there’s cabana boys…..
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