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ucme's avatar

Who would you have paint your portrait?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 1st, 2011

A close relative of my previous question, I like to keep it in the family see. So yeah, basically the same premise exists here. Who gets to craft your likeness? In an ideal world of course.

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36 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Whistler’s motha… ;)

stardust's avatar

Lucien Freud

iamthemob's avatar

You know – maybe. But it would have to be abstract. Or a comic – book rendering. In that case. Better than abstract – street art. Therefore, I would have to go with Shepard Fairey or Rob Liefeld.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’d like to see Picasso’s take on me. (You didn’t say anything about the probability of said artist being realistically available.)

ucme's avatar

@JilltheTooth Au contraire madame….it says as much in my topics so it does!

Summum's avatar

I would have one of two Uncles paint mine because they were both rated in the top 10 artists of the world. One of them did the Queen of Englands portrait.

Vunessuh's avatar

A portrait of my father and me, from a photo taken with him in Yosemite, is going to be painted by @lucillelucillelucille. Really, it is, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

ucme's avatar

@Vunessuh Ooh, you lucky bugger ;¬}

JilltheTooth's avatar

@ucme : Ah, I see. Then, I negate my disclaimer, and stand by my choice.

YoBob's avatar

My oldest son. His artistic skill is nothing short of amazing.

zenvelo's avatar

Joseph St. Amand. He was my father’s lifelong friend, was a portrait artist in San Francisco. He did portraits of all the women in my family, none of us men.

Second choice would be Picasso when he was in his 70s.

12Oaks's avatar

NOT that dude who did that Mona Lisa. man, I hate that piece of crap. I’ll choose Lisa Lutz. Not sure if she paints, but since she’s doing my biography we may get a package deal out of her.

cruiser2's avatar

Ray Charles

ucme's avatar

How trivial exciting, this is my 8,000th response on here! Better make it a goody then.
Edvard Munch would get the gig for me. Now that would be a scream! For the love of god, it weas meant to be good….

MilkyWay's avatar

my sister,,, she is AMAZING I’m telling you. Even tough she’s 2 years younger than me she is better than me at everything arty, drawing , sketching, carrycatching, and i HATE TO SAY IT but even painting. So, I choose my sister. : D

Jeruba's avatar

someone who wd be kind & gentle & maybe go for character more than faithful realism – i’m no cate blanchett alas – how about the charity of renoir in the style of rembrandt using monet’s palette?

cbloom8's avatar

M.C. Escher.

Sunny2's avatar

John Singer Sargent. And I’d be wearing a lovely rose colored dress with pearls around my throat and looking very soft and elegant (if those aren’t contradictory adjectives.)

Jeruba's avatar

i thought of sargent first too, @Sunny2, & then i thought maybe a little less realism wd suit me better. not that he was photographic but you do feel that youd recognize his subject on the street.

Kardamom's avatar

Either Eastman Johnson, Jan Vermeer or Utagama Hiroshige Extraordinary paintings of ordinary women.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Frans Hals. He was good at painting people smiling and they didn’t look like they’d gone into rictar mortis.

Kardamom's avatar

@Brian1946 If Don Martin did your portrait, would it come complete with big flat bent feet? That cracks me up! How did he come up with that?

chyna's avatar

I would have our own @dog do mine. She is a fantastic artist.

iamthemob's avatar

@chyna – @D og. Come on now.

everephebe's avatar

Max Ernst or Arthur Rackham would be great. But a Picasso (Blue/Rose or pencil drawing), Dali, or Van Gogh would be terrific too.

Earthgirl's avatar

Bouguereau or his modern day equivalent Zhao Kailin

Adagio's avatar

Modigliani he would capture my introspective nature perfectly

blueiiznh's avatar

Andy Warhol for sure

Sunny2's avatar

@Jeruba I think Mr. Sargent was very kind to his subjects. Besides, if you get me at exactly the right angle and soften all my features, I’d look smashing. I’m not sure anybody would recognize me, because catching that exact angle is tricky, but there you are.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Rolf Harris of course.

Jeruba's avatar

@Sunny2 i agree. but i also suspect that his charming subjects needed less kindness than i do at my age and stage of things.

Kardamom's avatar

Oh @Jeruba I seriously doubt that. Your beauty shines through with every thoughtful answer you give. Old Sargent would have to put some big hairy moles on your portrait to make you less beautiful. : )

Jeruba's avatar

oh thank you @Kardamom u r very kind but i am pretty far from my best days. at least i dont have big hairy moles.

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